Your preliminary is Thursday, the country with the Tax. Therefore, it is now important that you hanker up in yourself and get a closer look at it.

If there are errors or omissions, it may cost you thousands of dollars – and specifically in a region of the country is worse for it than the other.

It can be read in a press release from the tax administration.

Here, makes it clear that people in the Capital Region are those which have the largest average residual tax in the country and thus to pay the most money back to the skattefar.

And it is even quite significantly.

Thus was the average of the residual tax in the Capital Region in 2018 on 5.908 crowns.

It is almost a thousand dollars over the next region in the list, which is the Region of Zealand with an average residual tax on 4.987 in 2018.

the Province, where people submit their preliminary best, is the Region of north Jutland.

it was Here that the citizens in the average 4.442 dollars in outstanding tax last year.

Then came southern denmark with 4.499 and Nsw with 4.683 crowns.

In all, about 800,000 danes have to pay additional money to the tax office in 2018, according to figures from the tax administration.

In a press release from tax administration tells the vice president Karoline Klaksvig, why it is a really good idea to check the forskudsopgørelsen thoroughly.

“We have a lot of information, but we do not know everything. Therefore it is a good idea, if you spend 10 minutes to ensure that the information in your preliminary is right. A correct and updated preliminary is the best way to ensure against an unexpected residual tax on,” says underdirektøren.

With the tax administration is also more Betist good advice for things you must remember to check the forskudsopgørelsen for.

This is especially true if there has been new things in one’s life:

New house – deductions for mortgage interest and the payment of ejendomsværdiskatOmlægning of mortgage where the interest modifies sigNyt job, where the salary increases or falderNy the way to work, so kørselsfradraget change the sigNy rental boligNyt firmaNygift or nyskilt

a Great many danes have, in the course of the summer and fall of chosen to restructure their mortgage.

And if you’re one of the many danes, who have restructured loans in the past year, so is it, according to an expert in the field is important to be aware that it can mean big changes in the forskudsopgørelsen.

“Have falling interest rates, for example, has given rise to lånekonverteringer, where you have found some of the cheaper loans, so it can also mean something. Of facing the interest rate from the more expensive loan continues in your preliminary, so you get a high deduction in the course of the year,” Per Ørtoft Jensen, skatteekspert at PwC, previously stated to the news agency Ritzau.

If you do not follow the good advice from the tax administration and forget to change in forskudsopgørelsen, so there is still hope, if you want to avoid the big skattesmæk to the spring, explains the expert.

“You can go in and make a voluntary payment, if you can see that you are falling behind with tax payments. So you don’t get a residual tax to the spring, and so you avoid also the rates at which the Tax attaches at the amount,” he says.