The German trade Union Federation (DGB) and the left party have accused Federal interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) to block the planned increase in the Hartz-IV-sets, to improvements in the pensions of repatriates, and enforce.

“It is simply indecent, as Mr Seehofer take all of the Hartz-IV-recipients hostage to blackmail in order to improve the position of their own conservative voters clientele,” said the member of the management Board of the German trade Union Federation (DGB), Anja Piel, the AFP news Agency on Wednesday in Berlin.

Kipping: Seehofer blocked “ridiculous increase of seven euros,”

Left-Boss Katja Kipping told AFP, Seehofer “is blocking even the ridiculous increase of seven Euro for ALG-2 recipients, in order to blackmail the reforms that have to do with the performance concerning nothing at all”.

Piel stressed, Seehofer knew exactly how important it is for an increase in the Hartz-IV-rule sets is in the Corona-crisis, the existence of a minimum for the long-term unemployed and stacking is ensured by low-income earners, said Piel. To operate “on the backs of these people horse-trading, and to create additional uncertainty, is dishonest.” dpa/Markus Scholz/dpa Katja Kipping.

Seehofer will Hartz-IV-increase in other receivables associate

According to a report in the portal “Business Insider” linked Seehofer, the Hartz IV increase in its demand for a pension hardship Fund for resettlers. Therefore, the Hartz-IV has been postponed decision. The Ministry is confused, because the two issues in principle, have nothing to do with each other, it said in the report.

Moreover, had been agreed in the coalition only to examine the creation of the hardship Fund. Literally, it is hot in there: “For hardship cases in the basic security in the pension reconciliation process, we want to create a compensation through a Fund solution. Fair, we want to check also for the group of ethnic German repatriates and the Jewish contingent refugees.”

calls to Hartz IV, to take, to Minister healing

A spokeswoman for the Federal Minister of labour, Hubertus Heil (SPD), told AFP that discussions on the law for the determination of the rule requirements is still ongoing. Actually, I had planned to treat the template is already this Wednesday in the Cabinet. Now it could be next week for advice. The draft foresees to increase the rule set for a single person to 439 Euro.

Federation of trade unions and the Left have criticized the planned increase as insufficient. Healing have set the requirements on the basis of the consumption of the Poorest, said Kipping. “As social Isolation, debt and a lack of written more laws.” The Left will push in the Bundestag to the fact that “the rule sets are protected from poverty and the Tricks to the small expected distance is taken”. Piel added, the rule sets would have to be significantly more than planned increased in order to avoid the worst of the suffering.

The Hartz-IV-sets each of which is 1. January of a year due to the average development of the prices for certain Goods and services, as well as the development of wages laid down.

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