Hanne Sainabou Bah and her husband got himself a huge shock when their dog Ceasar woke up after a nap on Saturday afternoon.

With the froth out of the mouth raised the dog up, but faltered confused around without being able to stand on my feet.

the Couple knew immediately that something was wrong, so while they tried to calm the 55 kilo heavy dog, he also got fat on Dallas vet clinic, who were ready to take against Ceasar.

Hanne and the man arrived to dyreklinikken, they could see, while the vets took care of their dog, which at this time was to get seizures.

“It was terrible to look at. It was completely indescribable. It is like one’s small child, and Ceasar is only a year and a half old,” says Hanne Sainabou Bah to B. T.

the Vets decided to take a blood sample to the big dog, and when the answer a short time later, the couple had a shock.

“We have found traces of amphetamine in the Caesar,” said the message, while the questions quickly drove around in Hanne and the man’s head.

We do not take amphetamine, then how has he gotten hold of any of it? And when?

After speaking with veterinarians on the last few days and Ceasars behavior they can put two and two together.

Friday night went to the couple for a walk with their dog close to their place of residence in Copenhagen on Zealand, and it is here that Caesar in some way or another have been sniffed out something amphetamine.

But the message of the poisoning was just started on an outright nightmare.

“We get to know that he should be admitted to hospital on Saturday, and when the vet call on Sunday, she seems not very optimistic. She says that Ceasar does not respond, when they go into the room, and that his sight is gone,” says Hanne.

Later in the day visited Hanne and the man dyrlægeklinikken, and here awaited them a terrible sight.

Caesar looked like someone who had participated in a boxing match. The lack of sight had done, that he constantly had encountered the thing with the head, and that it was therefore raised up.

Their little baby should, however, be several days at the clinic, and when they finally got him home on Wednesday, it was with bad news.

Caesar had been blind.

Maybe he gets the eye sight gradually returned, but right now the one and a half year old dog is completely blind, and there is a big risk that he’s going to be it for the rest of his dog life.

Back in the sitting Ceasars owners with a terrible feeling in the body.

“We know not whether one or another has lost something amphetamine, but no matter what, I think, that one should take care, if you go around with such a thing. The vet said that the once a week get a dog that has been poisoned with marijuana or harder drugs,” says Hanne.

And then she will also remember all dog owners to be aware when they go for a walk with their dog, so they can try to intercept, if the four-legged friends suddenly sniffs something strange.

A terrible feeling is, however, not the only thing that Hanne and the man sits back with. On the table is also a tremendous expense.

The first five days of treatments and stay at dyreklinikken is during up of 34.000 dollars, and then there is dog training, medicines and controls that comes in addition to in the future.

Why wrote Hanne and the man is a posting on Facebook where they described the terrible days, and where they also told that they had made a collection.

“We stood and could either let Ceasar die or try to use the money that we might not have, to save him. We chose the latter, and so we hope that we can get help from others too,” says Nigel, who also would like to thank the Dallas veterinary clinic:

“They have been so sweet and good. And they have been amazing to keep us updated.”