Düsseldorf (dpa) – Germany is well positioned, thanks to its economic structure and its healthcare system and significantly better, in order to cope with a pandemic than many other countries in Europe.

This is the result of a study published in the corporate governance of the economic, health, and social consequences of a potential pandemic outbreak in the EU countries and the UK.

Germany ranked behind Luxembourg in second place among the countries due to their economic structure, their labour market, the health system, the population structure and the capacity for mobile Working in principle, best able to cope with outbreaks of Disease such as the Corona-epidemic finished. The places three and four are occupied Denmark and Sweden.

these countries have in Common is that the opportunities for mobile Working are widely used, the health systems had a high level of quality and that the number of precarious and self-employed employment is very low.

Particularly vulnerable to pandemics, countries in southern Europe and on the European periphery according to the study. Bad Italy, Croatia, Malta and Greece, with sections especially. In Italy – the final light in the pandemic-Ranking – according to credit reform, the relatively high proportion of Elderly in the population, problems in the health system, the lack of opportunities for mobile Working and, above all, of the problematic labour market for a high level of pandemic vulnerability.

The study assessed the fundamental vulnerability of the country for pandemics, not your handling of the Corona-crisis. So great Britain cut off in the study, despite the current problems in dealing with Covid19 quite well and was ranked 6 among the structurally best against a pandemic-resilient economies.

© dpa-infocom, dpa:200623-99-534176/2

Credtireform study on the pandemic and the vulnerability of Europe