Two apples in Mette Hofstedts garden in the small southern jutland town of Ustrup at Vojens has gone viral.

It splashed apple is untouched, while the usprøjtede is half eaten by the birds. And so you might think the conclusion is clear – but no.

“My experience is that the birds usually eat the apples, put out, but some faster than others. So sometimes the apples are eaten, sometimes they do not,” says biologist in the Danish Ornithological Association, Knud Flensted, to B. T.

It is therefore not possible to draw any conclusions on that the birds will not eat the sprayed apples from Mette Hofstedts little experiment, which started about 14 days ago.

Mette Hofstedt had bought the iconic Pink Lady apples, but discovered that the expiration date was exceeded.

Yet she let the apples lie some days and was surprised that the not at all changed.

“I would not eat them but thought that the birds probably would have them,” says Mette Hofstedt to B. T.

But she was wrong.

A week went by and the apple was still out in the garden and looked like new. So Mette Hofstedt made his little attempt, and laid a usprøjtet apple from the local farm shop by the side of.

the Day after it was usprøjtede apple, according to Mette Hofstedt half eaten by the blackbirds, while the Pink Lady-the apple looked like themselves.

But the evidence, according to the biologist and fugleenthusiast Vicky Knudsen no.

“I don’t think blackbirds are thinking, ‘hey, it is sprayed.’ It’s more about that they would like to eat it, there may have been bumps and is tender, than it is hard,” she explains to B. T.

Both Vicky Knudsen Knud Flensted. stresses that there can be many reasons for that the birds have not gone in the flesh on the Pink Lady-the apple.

first, it highlights the smagsforskellige at the two apples, which can charge the birds differently. In addition, points out Vicky Knudsen, Mobilbahis that right now is plenty of food in the wild, and birds are therefore more able to pick and choose between what they will eat.

And so are Pink Lady-æblets hard peel also highlighted as a prevent the birds have eaten it.

The two experts ‘ clear statement to convince the dog not the Mette Hofstedt, if the picture of the apples has got 7,7 thousand reactions and 23 thousand shares on Facebook.

“I find it hard to believe that it is not all about pesticides, but about a tough peel. The other apples were not encountered or had otherwise broken the peel,” she says.

the Biologists explanations as to why the birds avoid the Pink Lady-the apple, not Mettw Hofstedt to think differently as pesticides. For her, the experiment confirmed her view that one should buy organic.

It seems the experts, that one should be, if you will. But as Vicky Knudsen says:

“There are many good reasons to buy Danish and usprøjtet, but apple-the experiment does not prove that the birds can’t find on eating sprayed apples.”

Knud Flenssted also stresses the need larger studies to with for example 100 the same apples, which is in 14 days, in which half then is sprayed.

A similar experiment is Mette Hofstedt already.

In the garden is just now eight Pink Lady apples, which was posted yesterday, Tuesday, together with two usprøjtede apples.

According to Mette Hofstedt is the organic apples are already gone, while Pink Lady apples looking as good as new.

the Plan is that Mette Hofstedt today will obtain more than organic apples, so there are eight of each – and then see if the first experiment results repeated.