Fyrværkeribrancheforeningen recommend that you read the directions on its fireworks display, before the fire of.

Although from the Sunday, it is possible to buy fireworks in Danish shops, it is not allowed to fire it yet.

It is only legal to fire the gunpowder of from 27. december to 1. January, and then all the fireworks, as consumers buy in the Danish shops, to be CE marked.

It tells Karsten Nielsen, who is director of the Fyrværkeribrancheforeningen.

Looking to a long time back there was a very large sale of the rockets. But then we came under EU rules and must now have CE approved our fireworks.

– In the old days we had 220 to 230 grams net explosive quantity (neq) in. But the requirements are now that we are only allowed to have up to 75 grams of EASY in. So the rockets, we are used to from the old days no longer exists, says Karsten Nielsen.

the Period of the sale and firing of fireworks was limited significantly with the new rules from 2014.

While the new rules on the sale and use came into force in 2014, took the final rules on the CE marking, in force in July 2017.

Prior to 2014, it was permitted for the Danish stores to sell fireworks in the period 1. december 31. december.

in Addition, it was permitted to fire from 1. december to and with 5. January. The law was adopted in the interests of humans and animals.

today, goods the allowable affyringsperiode only six days.

The new EU rules, however, has not affected the sales of fireworks in a negative direction, the view Karsten Nielsen.

– But it has had an unfortunate side effect, where it is administratively complicated to be importer or manufacturer of CE-approved fireworks.

– Many small companies in Europe have disappeared, while the large firms have become larger, ” says Karsten Nielsen.

According to the Danish safety technology authority is a lot of accidents with fireworks because of improper behavior by the use of it.

In nytårsdøgnet last year ended 225 danes in the emergency room due to accidents with fireworks.

it was 30 seriously injured, while 67 of those injured had safety glasses on.

178 of the injured were men and boys, of which 91 of them were under 35 years of age. 47 were girls and women, and 61 children under 15 years of age.

– You must use common sense, and you can with great advantage read the directions on the fireworks, like while one is still able to the new year. And then you should of course have his safety goggles on, says Karsten Nielsen.
