It will again get very hot in France during the next few days. A part of the country will face a new round of heat wave that will begin this Thursday, August 6th. It should be a priori less intense than last week, but could last a week on some areas, according to Météo-France. While heat waves multiply as a result of the warming of the planet, a part of the country, particularly in the South, has already been touched on in last week-end by a heat spike very intense three days, with temperatures in excess of gleefully 40 °C in many stations.

The new episode that promises to be from Thursday afternoon, with two peaks separated, should be ” a priori less intense “, even if there are still uncertainties for the temperatures of the next week, explained Wednesday to Agence France-Presse the forecaster Patrick Galois. But ” it is a heat wave longer, about a week for some areas “, he added. A persistence that may be more problematic for the agencies, especially the frail people.

The episode will begin Thursday afternoon with a comeback that is sensitive to temperatures that can reach 35 °C in Paris or 37 °C in Aquitaine. Then a first peak of heat is expected Friday across the western half of the country, “with peaks of 40 °C or 41 °C in the South-West, peaks of 37-38 °C in Île-de-France and in the Centre and up to the Normandy,” said Patrick Galois. Temperatures are expected to drop during the weekend on the atlantic coast, but other regions, such as Île-de-France, are expected to remain above levels of a heat wave.

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A second peak from Tuesday

” After this relative decline and more or less marked according to the regions in the course of the weekend, a further rise in temperatures is expected early next week and could bring us to a new peak of heat at the Tuesday, August 11,”, explained forecaster. It is still too early to precisely quantify this pic, but it should be similar at least to that of Friday, with ” 35 to 39 °C, on a good part of the country, locally it may be 40 °C “, he added.

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This new episode of summer heat wave occurs, while France recorded its the beginning of the year the warmest. The January to July period of 2020 has been the hottest ever recorded since 1900, ahead of the same period of 2007, according to Météo-France. The year 2019, which is marked by two episodes of exceptional heat wave during the summer and an absolute record of temperature for France of 46 °C was the third warmest year in metropolitan France, after 2018, and 2014.

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