On Thursday to take on the Russian financial investor, SCP control in the case of the hypermarket chain. He has already found buyers for 141 branches and to the Online marketplace real.de . For many Employees, the future is more uncertain.

Düsseldorf (dpa) – The crisis in Galeria, Karstadt, Kaufhof just makes nationwide headlines – the struggling hypermarket chain Real, however, it became last still. However, for the approximately 34,000 employees, the hour of truth is approaching.

On Thursday to pass the so far, the Metro group chain in the possession of the Russian financial investor SCP. It is a crucial stage on the way to the breakup of the company.

The trade Union Verdi sees the Takeover as a “threat to the survival of thousands of people”, as Verdi Federal Board member Stefanie use Berger, the dpa said. “The Real sale of the 34,000 employees at the mercy of the financial and real estate investors, SCP,” warned the trade unionist.

SCP stressed only recently, all of the approximately 34,000 employees, would be transferred with their existing contracts to the existing conditions. The financial investor, however, makes no secret of the fact that he plans the destruction of the for years, the ailing retail chain.

SCP has already announced that 141 of the last still around 270 Real-markets Kaufland and Edeka for sale – 88 country of purchase, 53 to Edeka. The employees are to be taken, as SCP said. The Chairman of the Board of Directors of SCP, Retail Investments, Patrick Kaudewitz, said: “We will be able to account for nearly half of Real markets and their employees clarity and the ability to plan and create.” The first markets to be passed from the fourth quarter to the new owner. The whole process will extend over a period of approximately 18 months.

Also, the last strong-growing Online marketplace real.de to find a new home under the roof of the Black group-the parent company of Lidl and Kaufland and under the name of the country of purchase will be continued. The Schwarz group, which operates with its divisions, Lidl and purchase country in the world, with more than 12,000 branches and a turnover of more than € 100 billion achieved so far in E-Commerce, only a little present. The Online had experienced-food trade in the Corona-crisis Boom.

The group intends to close this gap now, apparently. “Real.de is an essential component of our future supply. The combination of a stationary business and Online retail will open up additional opportunities,” said Rolf Schumann, member of the Board digitization of the Black group.

as for the rest of the more than 100 Real branches, so their fate is still open. As potential buyers, among other things, Rewe and Globus apply. Also, a breakdown of individual markets in smaller areas for better utilization of the financial investor, not from the castle. Around 30 markets must, however, be expected to be closed due to lack of prospects, it was already at the signing of the purchase contract in the spring.

Real was the least of the worries a child with the düsseldorf-based retail giant Metro, and had there taken care of in the financial year 2018/19 for deep in the red. The most-on the green Meadow nearby Hyper markets suffered for years under the changed shopping habits in Germany. More and more often, the customers had the Real stores and bought rather in supermarkets and discount stores in their neighborhoods.

The Corona-crisis brought to the front of the smashing of the hypermarket chain, however, once again, a late Comeback. In March and April, sales and income increased substantially. Real have been in crisis as a very attractive Format. Not least, the extensive Non-food offer, from apparel to television, have lured customers in the Real stores, said Metro CEO Olaf Koch. A sustainable perspective of the Manager for Real-not looked at yet.

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