It was a deeply tragic incident, which has left its traces in the village of Gl. Rye between Skanderborg and Silkeborg.

The five-year-old boy She was 31. October hit by a truck as he ran out the front after being frightened by a spooky mask.

the Mask had a man been on in a house, as the boy visited in connection with halloween. It writes TV2 east Jutland.

She was badly injured, get permanent injury and remains hospitalized. It tells the three co-founders of the collection, which now are created in Gl. Rye.

“Many have expressed a desire to support the family, and has been affected by the case. We are a small village, where many know each other, says one of the co-founders,” Heidi Christensen, to TV2 Østjylland.

The other two founders of the collection, which has been approved by the Indsamlingsnævnet, Henrik Valdorff Rasmussen and Kristin Kalhøj Ibsen.

the Money goes in on Heidi Christensen’s account, and when the collection is over the 1. February, the director of the she amount to the family.

“the Money has to go to make their daily life a little easier. They decide for themselves whether they want to use them on cleaning services, måltidskasser or a ride in the Legoland theme park,” says Heidi Christensen.

She knows the family and She by his own boy.

the Founders have been in contact with the family and was allowed to make the collection.

“the Family is deeply touched, grateful and overwhelmed by the support,” sounds from them.

the Collection has been in progress for about two hours, after it was published on the Facebook page for the Gl. Rye, and that is according to Heidi Christensen already made a contribution.

“I’m proud that the people in the Gl. Rye and the surrounding area back up,” she says.

The five-year-old boy was among other fractures of the pelvis, and would have made hudtransplantationer. The truck that was driving on Ryesgade in Old Rye, could not reach to the brake.

“It is a deeply unfortunate case for everyone. Both for the boy, for the man with the mask, which just would make fun with children, for those who went with the boy and, of course, for the driver who hit the boy,” said vicepolitiinspektør by Sydøstjyllands Police Stig Simonsen, the 1. november, for Horsens Folkeblad.

there is Nothing to suggest there has been anything illegal.