The strategy, in line with the Agenda 2030, in line with the 10 principles of the Global Compact of the United Nations and with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS), reflect the importance of Unicaja Bank grants to its CSR policy, integrated in the instruments of management and in the development of their performances. Fernando Ríos, director of Institutional Relations and CSR, says that the bank pays special attention to the fight against climate change and to finance sustainable.

Rivers stresses that the objective of Unicaja Bank is to move towards a model of company capable of creating shared value for all groups of interest (shareholders and investors, customers, staff, suppliers, territories, society…), “to respond successfully to their needs and expectations, in line with the general objectives of its Business Plan, generating more business value and social.”

“To raise the awareness of interest groups, it is essential to establish partnerships with other public and private entities,” notes Rivers. In this sense, the commitment to the sustainable development of Unicaja Bank is reflected in its partnership with the International Training Center for Authorities and Leaders (CIFAL) of Malaga, promoted by the UN from the Institute for Training and Research (United Nations Institute for Training and Research, UNITAR). The aim of this centre, the second of the network CIFAL in Spain, is to promote learning and the exchange of knowledge on good practices in social inclusion and governance between public representatives, leaders of international organizations, private companies and academic institutions.The financial institution sealed in 2018 an agreement with this centre —fourth headquarters in Europe of a total of 18 throughout the five continents—, to provide financial support and contribute to the implementation of policies oriented to the promotion of sustainable economic development and financial inclusion.

CIFAL Malaga has become the first of this global network in addressing the financial inclusion and will be the frame of reference in the mediterranean area.

The back of Unicaja Bank in this project has contributed to that currently CIFAL Malaga is the first of its global network to address financial inclusion within their overall objective of social inclusion, and to become a training space reference, where the leaders and authorities of local, regional and national can acquire the necessary skills to build the foundations of a sustainable development in their communities and improve the quality of life of its citizens.

Also, among the objectives of Unicaja Bank is also participating in the organization and development of different training activities with the aim of integrating principles of financial inclusion and good governance in their corporate strategy, but also reinforce its commitment to the achievement of the Objectives of Sustainable Development. Among these goals, the UN set as a priority to ensure the equal access of any person to all the natural and economic resources at their fingertips, basic services, and financial and new technologies, through the implementation of policies that help promote the creation of quality jobs, entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation, as well as to stimulate the growth of smes.

To do this, Unicaja Bank collaborates with CIFAL Malaga in the celebration of conferences and workshops that promote the transmission of knowledge and exchange of practical solutions around financial inclusion, sustainable development and poverty reduction.

The agreement signed recently with the Confederation of Businessmen of Andalusia (CEA), by the Unicaja Bank is committed to collaborate in the implementation of the Observatory of Entrepreneurship for the Achievement of the Agenda to 2030 (ASSURANCE), driven by the employers, andalusia forms part of the proceedings of CSR for the entity aimed at the compliance by the private sector of the Objectives of Sustainable Development. The ASSURANCE aims to be an observatory to monitor economic, business and social.

Precisely, one of its main purposes will be to lead the implementation of Agenda 2030 in the society of andalusia, and, especially, in the enterprises, promote the general welfare, and to contribute to the generation of wealth and employment in Andalusia.

An agreement with the Confederation of Businessmen of Andalusia will serve to implement the Agenda 2030 of the UN.

In sum, it is a matter of carrying out lines of action towards the achievement of a productive fabric that is to benefit from the opportunities offered by a friendly management with environmental issues, social and of good government, fostering the creation and consolidation of new sustainable enterprises and the transformation of the already existing for the adoption of this model, in fulfilment of the Agenda to 2030.

For the fulfillment of its purposes, the ASSURANCE establish a plan of action, which will include advocacy and awareness-raising, through the organisation or participation in forums, conferences, seminars, etc. For Unicaja Bank, the enterprise in general and smes in particular, are among the key audiences of its funding policy. Thus, the entity is marked as one of their priorities the funding of the companies, crucial to stimulate the economy and create employment.


to Offer participants in their various activities, a clear vision of the world of economics and finance is the goal of the Project Edufinet of financial education, driven by the Unicaja Bank and the Unicaja Foundation, a pioneer program in Spain that has been awarded with numerous awards.

The initiative, which has a proven track record of working close to 15 years, with the support of 16 universities and more than a dozen entities and business organizations from different parts of Spain. More than 152,000 people have already participated in seminars, workshops, courses and conferences made. Of these, over 108,000 have done through the Days of Financial Education for Young people. Also, the web have recorded so far 7.8 million visits accumulated, with hits from almost 180 countries.He also has two portals of thematic content specific: one directed at young people (Edufinext) and another for the group of businessmen and entrepreneurs (Edufiemp).

Precisely, Edufinet has launched the XI Conference on Financial Education for Young people, aimed at high school students. This initiative is linked to the XI Olympiad Financial, a withcourse in which participants can put into practice the knowledge acquired.