It was a great shock, since the Hansen discovered the bleeding bullet wounds in their familiekats stomach.

the Cat, Mathilde, had been shot with a luftgevær on one of his walks in the family’s hometown, Ølsted. Caricature of a person, who well knows how to shoot an animal.

It was Frederick’s wife, Camilla, who discovered that there was something at the family cat, which was not true:

“Mathilde sitting in the living room and can not move. She cries as She walks over to her, and we can’t get her into a transport box and to the vet. We are calling instead for a Celtabet veterinarian, which comes a few hours after, and give the cat a numbing spray,” says Frederik Hansen Zealand.

When the vet examine the cat more closely, she discovers the skudsåret and may find that the cat has a punctured lung and internal bleeding.

Mathilde, as the family Hansen has had in 12 years, was later the same day killed.

Frederik Hansen explains, that x-rays of the family cat either shows that something had to be broken, or that it was going to be sick.

on the Contrary, it is clear to see that there is a hail in Mathilde’s stomach.

Have you experienced that others have killed your pet without your knowledge? So write to B. T. here.

On the Great Swelling veterinary clinic, where it was made further studies of the cat, explains the vet, Henrik Bang Jørgensen, to Mathilde certainly not have been shot by accident.

the Cat is, according to him, been shot by a person who knows how to shoot an animal. He points out that the cat has been hit right at the shoulder, and that if Mathilde had been shot with a rifle with a larger caliber and not a luftgevær, so she had been the death of the shoot.

Frederik Hansen is looking to it, as many do in 2019. He makes a posting on Facebook in a local Ølsted-group. Here calls for, he is the person who has shot Mathilde.

But even though the advertisement aroused great indignation, deleted it again, since a lot of locals began to write in the commentary that they thought it is allowed to shoot a cat if it goes into your cause.

It is, however, not longer. Until 2014, it had to be true enough to kill an animal, if it roamed around in one’s garden, for example.

However, wrote a woman in the commentary track, she felt that her cat had been shot in the summer, while another wrote that her cat had been poisoned in the fall. In both cases in Ølsted.

Henrik Bang Jørgensen tells to Life that it happens sometime in between, that people kill others ‘ pets. In Ølsted, he says, there is approximately one case per year.