30. Anniversary, presented by a friend otherwise. You crashed into allmann Hausen with the wheel because you wanted to hold on to your hat.
allmann Hausen – The end of your 30. Birthday would have wished for a Munich-based cyclist would be different. The birthday girl wanted to do with two well-Known a bike tour on lake Starnberg. As the Munich on Tuesday against 15 a.m. drove into allmann Hausen, the Seeburg road downhill in the direction of the lake, blew the wind, and her hat from her head.
Radlerin want to hold on to hat – and. coming to the case
As the Radlerin wanted to hold on to the hat, she lost according to the police, the control of your bike and crashed Fortunately, she had been only slightly injured, and to supply the abrasions to the hospital brought. The officials point out that a hat is not an adequate substitute for a bike helmet.