most take distance from drinking and driving, but among the 17 to 35-year-old think 1 out of 11, that it is okay.

almost every sixth young person has put themselves behind the wheel and driven the car within the last year, although maybe they had drunk too much.

In each case equivalent to 16 percent of 17-to 35-year-olds in a study that, within the last year been running the car, even though they may have drunk too much.

It is the Council for Safe Traffic and Trygfonden, is behind the study.

at the same time, the equivalent of nine percent among the youth group, that they believe that it is acceptable or very acceptable to drive drunk driving, writes bbc News.

the Council for Safe Traffic is concerned about the study.

– It is a serious and worrying figures, which shows that it is important that we continue to talk about, that you should not drive drink driving and the dangers of doing it, says the Life Knoblauch Kofoed-Jensen, seniorprojektleder in the Council for Safe Traffic.

In the study is 3515 drivers been asked. Among everyone in the study is the eight percent who respond that they have driven the car within the last year, although they perhaps had drunk more than allowed.

Thus, then, there is a significantly higher proportion of young people, who may have been driving drunk driving. Life Knoblauch Kofoed-Jensen think that it maybe due to the fact that young people are more risk-averse.

– I think, that it hangs together with, to the young more than the older drivers are risk-averse and impulsive and therefore not thinking so much about the consequences of driving drunk driving, but more think of that they would like to quickly home late at night, when they have got many beer and have been tired, she says.

She calls for you to interfere if you see someone who finds the car keys above, when they have drunk too much.

in Addition, she shows that within the festive evening think it through, so you do not end up in a situation where you run drink-driving.

It is forbidden to drive a car, if you have a blood alcohol of over 0.5.

Last year lost 32 people, and 183 persons getting seriously hurt in accidents where alcohol was involved. Over the past ten years, the number of spritulykker, where someone is injured, fallen.
