do you Remember the 37-year-old Maria Holst, whose father now is dead?

Or what about 30-year-old Sandra Dark Valentes, there is also time and again sought out several doctors without getting the answers to what her pain is?

Sandra Dark Valentes is now incurably ill of cancer. Maria must have christmas without his father, who perhaps could have survived if the doctors had listened.

B. T. has over a number of weeks focusing on a number of people for whom their encounter with the healthcare system have ended up disastrous.

human destinies, which is now backed by a new report from the Danish society for Patient safety and Patienterstatningen, which is published on Thursday.

It shows, among other things, to diagnosefejl is involved in the well every fourth recognized patient harm in Patienterstatningens damages. Of them derive about 70 per cent. from the public hospitals and 18 per cent. from general practice.

the Inventory covers over 100,000 cases since 2008 and until today.

“It is shocking. We will have to investigate how we can reduce the numbers. It is unsatisfactory, and it creates insecurity, which we would like to avoid,” says Kirsten Normann Andersen, sundhedsordfører for SF.

the Doctors themselves have since also earlier in B. T. admitted that there is a problem that must be solved and have a greater sahabet giriş focus on the hospitals.

“It is unfortunate and unfair, and it is something we focus on and try to do something about,” said the doctors president, Andreas Rudkjøbing, in the last week to B. T.

this week, says the general Practitioners ‘ Organization’s president, Christian Freitag, roughly the same:

“We are unfortunately too often people who do not feel understood,” he says.

From Danish Patients, who are fighting for better patientvilkår, however, it is not necessarily the doctors ‘ fault that patients as Leif Christensen, Arne Notkin, Sandra Dark Valente, Ninna Hedegaard Rasmussen and Maria holst’s father is experiencing diagnosefejl or late diagnosis in the health care system.

“the Problems is not about whether the individual doctor or nurse is skilled. For it is the. It’s all about the framework they work under. They must have some decent frames, and it is a political responsibility,” says chairman of the Danish Patients, Morten Freil.

the Chairman of the PLO, Christian Freitag, agree with the analysis.

He points out, among other things, the time as a key problem. A factor that is contributing to that errors can occur.

“We have created a health care system, where there is tremendous focus on efficiency. The effectivity is not very about whether patients feel taken seriously. It’s more about how many the doctor can see at a time, and whether the doctor get asked about it right,” he says.

After the new year you will meet all parties at the Palace for a closer look at a so-called sundhedsaftale.

The need to put a common policy direction for the cooperation between hospitals, municipalities and general practitioners.

“We need to find out what it is that goes wrong, and learn from it so that we can reduce the number of diagnosefejl,” says sundhedsordfører for DF Liselott Blixt.