Sibeth Ndiaye was re-launched this weekend, a recurring debate was never completely closed. The government spokesperson has suggested in an op-ed published in The Mondede reopen the debate on ethnic statistics. She sees in it a means of combating a “form of racism is what is missing “and to” reconcile both sides of our society.” A position that disapproves of Bruno Le Maire, who reiterated his disagreement Monday when Sibeth Ndiaye has given new arguments.

” When you have a company that does not have the image of a society discriminating, very likely that there is a form of racism is what is missing that continues to persist because people do not feel they are racist or do not have the feeling that their attitude discriminates against the other “, was advanced Monday Sibeth Ndiaye on France Inter. Of ethnic statistics ” would allow the background to reconcile sometimes two shores of our society, which is écharpent forever, those who tell you : “Blacks and Arabs, people of color do not have access to anything” and those who say : “the problem is not” “, a-t-it developed.

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“I wish we could share a common observation and that on the basis of this finding-here, we can decide what actions we want to pursue together, “she added, stressing the need to” objectify things.” France, unlike anglo-saxon countries, has banned targeted policies, quotas or ethnic statistics to treat all citizens equally.

Buzyn and The Mayor disapprove

“I still unfavourable to ethnic statistics that do not correspond to French universalism, the fact that a Frenchman is a Frenchman and that I don’t look at what is his race, his origin, his religion, and that I don’t want to look at,” said Bruno Le Maire said on France Info. “Moving in this direction of ethnic statistics, there is a risk again of damaging one of the most valuable assets that brings together the French nation, this universalism republican “, he added.

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And on Sunday, Agnès Buzyn, candidate LREM to the city Hall of Paris, has estimated that establish ethnic statistics was ” more dangerous than useful.” “This government has accompanied this process of communitarisation and it continues to do so because the solutions it proposes, they are the ethnic statistics “, which the RN is opposed, was charged on Monday, Marine Le Pen RTL.