The Federal Network Agency sees gas consumption in Germany relaxing in the middle of the heating season. “The Federal Network Agency is not calling for people to take colder showers or turn down the heating. Every consumer can decide that for themselves,” said agency president Klaus Müller to the Funke media group.

It is becoming more expensive to use gas heating due to the increasing VAT on gas and the higher CO2 price. You also don’t have to heat every room like the living room. “But you don’t endanger the gas supply if you do it.”

Müller referred to the situation with gas storage now being relaxed. “We are halfway through the winter and we are very optimistic.” It is true that 6 percent more gas is consumed than in the previous winter. However, Germany still uses a good 16 percent less gas than before the crisis. The gas storage facilities are also very well filled at over 90 percent.

Relaxed situation, but no all-clear

At the same time, Müller did not want to speak of an all-clear. “We don’t yet know what January, February and March will be like. There are residual risks.” The explosions on the Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines have not yet been solved, and the Federal Prosecutor General is investigating damage to a liquid gas pipeline.

“This is one of the remaining risks. A large part of our gas comes from Norway. We are grateful that Norway, but also NATO, is keeping a close eye on this critical infrastructure.” The head of the authority referred to LNG terminals with which Germany can import gas from Norway in the event of a pipeline failure.