The real merits of its cars or its communication particularly clever for Tesla, it will have to be settle a day. Elon Musk is a snake charmer and has managed to bewitch the investors on the Stock market to give themselves an importance that is nothing to the reality. We reached the summit a few days ago, when the tiny Tesla has exceeded alone the giant Toyota.

Does this not present a contradiction, an orange light of nature to alert any sensible person ? Well, no, Wall Street keeps asking, assignor to the speech, it is true, particularly sharp from Elon Musk that plastronne in the face of the bosses of the automotive inaudible, re-painted the row of vases. It would be wrong to deny it, he advances in the mou, then, that no criticism was heard in the ranks of the automotive industry, the real.

Last galéjade in date, and was well aware that the simple act of talking about it serves the interests of Tesla, Elon Musk openly mocks the speculators who bet on the collapse of Tesla Stock “shortant” the action. To taunt a little more, it just put on sale on the website of the manufacturer of electric vehicles for shorts in satin red. It has the air of a joke, but it is not one of them.

“Enjoy the exceptional comfort provided by the ringing of the closing of Wall Street,” details the description of the garment, proposed for Sunday, but already out of stock on Monday.

Logo full of meaning

On the front there is also the logo of the company embroidered golden while on the bottom is stamped the inscription ” S3XY “, a reference to the models of the cars Tesla. It is sold symbolically to 69,42 dollars (75 euros on the French site), a number resulting from the association of the number of sexual 69 and the numeral 420, a popular reference to marijuana. Add to this the price per share that Elon Musk had proposed on Twitter in the summer of 2018 to remove the group from the stock Exchange. This message, which had pushed the title to Wall Street, had earned him the remonstrances of the stock market authorities.

Not enough to frighten the freakish boss, who persists and signs, not without reason, given the benefits that he draws from it. Of course, he taunts regularly on Twitter investors think the company is worth far too expensive to Wall Street and rely on his fall by placing orders called “shorts” in English.

This does not prevent Tesla to explode in the stock Exchange, where the group became last week the automaker the most expensive in the world, surpassing the world number one in the sector with Toyota, then he sells twenty times less than cars. That is the difference between subjectivity and objectivity, investors, always dreaming of the goose that lays the golden eggs by neglecting the balance sheets of a company that has never made a profit.

Elon Musk, rightly regarded as a visionary in other fields, cannot in any case determine a solution unique mobility for the future to the entire face of the automotive industry. But it is also a boss full of morgue, eager for revenge on the “old world” that does not recognize it, a be unpredictable, which was already made fun of the “shorters” by promising them making of the famous shorts. It’s a done thing now.

He had also offered to send a few to the Commission for the supervision of the u.s. equity markets, renamed, ironically, the ” Commission of enrichment of the speculators “, ” to comfort them in these difficult times “. No doubt, up to now, the base pay.