High-ranking visit on the outskirts of the capital: Just in time for the resumption of work at the Tesla factory Giga Berlin, Elon Musk himself came by for around four hours and checked on everything, according to the “Handelsblatt”. His visit is so interesting because he apparently answered questions from employees and revealed his plans for the plant.

In a video available to Handelsblatt, Musk says that he would also like to produce the Tesla Semi, the company’s truck, in Europe. He is quoted as saying: “I think it makes sense to also produce the semi-truck in Europe in the Giga Berlin.” So far, only a small number of electric trucks are driving on American highways. Musk plans to significantly increase the number of units from the end of 2024 – apparently also internationally.

More interesting for the end consumer, however, is Musk’s statement that Berlin will also become the home for the production of the still planned small car, often called the Model 2, but by no means announced under that name. Musk expects the car to “definitely come to Berlin in the long term.” But it will probably take a while until that happens.

At the moment, Musk is said to have been primarily busy raising spirits at the Grünheide site after the factory had to sit out a production stop caused by sabotage last week. Clearly, the arson attack on Giga Berlin’s power supply not only caused material damage, but also left a lasting impression on the minds of the workforce.

The “Handelsblatt” reports that Musk’s youngest employee, Filius X Æ A-XII, is said to have cheered up the employees with funny gestures during Dad’s speech.

As far as the attack itself is concerned, Musk did not deviate from his opinion previously expressed at are probably the “stupidest guys in the world”.

In his opinion, there is “no other company” besides Tesla that has “advanced the sustainable future in such a way,” the “Handelsblatt” quotes. At a meeting with Berlin’s Governing Mayor Kai Wegner, Brandenburg’s Prime Minister Dietmar Woidke and Brandenburg’s Economics Minister Jörg Steinbach, Musk demanded “improved security” for his factory, Steinbach reported afterwards.

During this conversation, the Tesla boss will probably also have discussed the planned expansion of the factory premises. Most recently, a non-binding referendum voted against the project, signaling to Tesla that it would not agree to even more factory space. The state of Brandenburg has the final say in this matter, a decision is pending.