The currently-discussed purchase of the premium for cars of the Advisory Council on the assessment of the overall economic development declines, however. The government should not yield to the pressure of individual sectors, write the experts in an article for the “Süddeutsche Zeitung”.

Such projects would reinforce the tendency for existing structures to achieve without a powerful economic impact.

“Historically, big break -”

The experts expect, therefore, a “historically large collapse” of the German economic performance in the first half of the year 2020 as a result of the pandemic. They fear that despite government rescue measures, many companies are more at risk of insolvency. In order to prevent a long-lasting recession and to support the economic recovery, recommend the ways of further measures, such as extending opportunities for tax-loss carryback and carryforward, a reduction in energy costs and to promote private and public investment in education and transport infrastructure.

energy price reform is intended to relieve households and businesses

With a “rapid and comprehensive energy price reform” could be households and companies are perceptibly relieved. To strengthen private investment incentives could be to the formation of human capital and to the Expansion of the digitisation set, argue the economic point. By digital training company, and employees could also make use of the time of short-time working and unemployment, new skills for the time after the recession to build up.

The Advisory Council on the assessment of the overall economic development is an economic, scientific Advisory body for the policy. Colloquially, the experts are referred to as the economic way.

Laschet taunts against Söder: “If beer gardens are open, to earn child care” FOCUS Online/Wochit Laschet taunts against Söder: “If beer gardens are open, to earn child care”
