According to the Strausberg-Erkner Water Association (WSE), the car manufacturer Tesla “constantly and significantly” exceeds permissible wastewater limits in Grünheide near Berlin. This concerns the values ​​for refractory phosphorus and total nitrogen, as can be seen from a WSE resolution template that is available to the German Press Agency. “Stern” had previously reported.

“Several requests and warnings were unsuccessful,” the paper says. “A remedy was neither addressed nor promised for the future.”

Impending costs in the millions

The WSE wants to discuss at an extraordinary association meeting at the beginning of March whether it will stop wastewater disposal at Tesla. Otherwise, the association would face additional costs running into millions. In addition, there could be a stop in the disposal of all association wastewater in the Münchehofe sewage treatment plant.

The car manufacturer emphasized that it had not yet been informed about the extraordinary meeting or the corresponding agenda item. Tesla refers to its own wastewater treatment plants for the complete recovery of process wastewater. “Essentially, wastewater still arises from the operation of the sanitary facilities and kitchens,” it said. “With the elimination of industrial wastewater, the wastewater to be discharged from the Gigafactory will ultimately be composed of typical municipal wastewater.”