Approximately 300 stilladsarbejdere had gathered to demonstrate against what they believe is the illegal conditions at the construction site.

Although it was determined that the demonstration would proceed peacefully, it ended up that a large scaffold was knocked down, several cars were vandalized and that a woman was threatened and spat in the face.

Now tells the president of the Stilladsarbejdernes Landsklub, Thomas Strømsholt, to B. T., why the demonstration according to him ran of the track. He does so because he believes people have got a wrong impression of what has happened.

He says that the anger from the protesters stilladsarbejdere fact that one of their colleagues, as well as a person from Dansk El-Forbund, which has premises just opposite the construction site, were beaten by people linked to the construction site Sunday evening.

It came to pass, as colleague with his phone trying to document the illegal, foreign stilladsarbejdere serve under.

“Since our Winxbet colleague is standing and filming, there will be a handful of people out from the construction site and chasing him, even as people come pouring out of a car, after which they also go on him. Our colleague is beaten by six to eight people, and he has broken ribs and toes and everything else and is admitted to the hospital, so he has really got beat up,” says Thomas Strømsholt and continues:

“When a colleague get beaten up by the kind of, so we could well figure out that a lot of people were going to do one thing or another. Therefore, we came forward that we should make sure to have a lot of opinion leaders present at the demonstration, which was to ensure that it is not run of the track. The plan was that we would get the labour inspectorate past, so we could show them what errors there were on the construction site, so it could be shut down.”

do you Know anything about the case? So hear B. T. would like from you. Tip us on

the Demonstration escalated, however, and Thomas Strømsholt have an explanation as to why it ran of the track.

“Stilladsarbejderne had come to terms with the demonstration would proceed peacefully, but when we get in there, start the foreign stilladsarbejdere to throw stones and pipes for colleagues, and it is therefore, it burns together.”

“Just to get people together for a quiet action the day after a colleague has been beaten up is a big challenge, but once and then thrown that stuff for them, so it is impossible,” elaborates Thomas Strømsholt.

According to the Copenhagen Police was outside persons exposed to violence and threats during the demonstration, just as a female employee in the Net was spitting in her head as she commented on the ongoing vandalism of a car.

the Police says that a woman has been spitting in the head during the demonstration. What is your comment to it?

I find it hard to believe that a stilladsarbejder is gone after an innocent woman. So I will know people in the industry very badly.

How far will I go, to ensure you that the construction site be closed?

“We will go far to ensure that there are orderly conditions in our industry. We will go all the way, and if it requires that we meet the 1,000 persons at the labour inspectorate, so that is what we do. But if you are asking whether we will resort to violence, so no. We do not.”

But it happened today.

“Yes, because they were attacked in Friday, yesterday and today. Yes. I know most of them. They are some good guys, they are family men, and they are some wonderful people. Therefore, I find it hard to read, that they are referred to as thugs, for the reason that it is escalating today.”

Are there more demonstrations planned?

“We have been promised that the company is on the square will be removed, so no. There will be a new demonstration in the morning, and there is not planned anything. We expect inspectors to do their job.”