last weekend, had nationwide protests tens of thousands of motorcycle riders on the streets against driving bans for noise protection reasons. Background a decision of the Federal Council, calling on the Federal government to its prohibitions in order to ensure that the motorcycle noise can be in popular tourist areas is reduced.

Florian Herrmann stressed that Bayern have already voted in the countries of the chamber against the Ban. At the same time, he announced that the state will exercise in the Federal government, his “influence”, “to make it clear that Bayern and bikers together and that we do not want to shoot over the target, with completely exaggerated arrangements of the matter are not at all appropriate”.

So Florian Herrmann announced, indirectly, the resistance of the CSU at both the represented in the Bundestag deputies as well as in the Person of party leader, Markus Söder, as a member of the coalition Committee. Federal Minister of transport, Andreas Scheuer (CSU) had already spoken out against motorcycle-driving bans.

Bavaria’s interior Minister Joachim Herrmann, himself a motorcycle rider, also stressed: “to lump All motorcycle riders together, is covered. The misconduct of individuals may not all motorcyclists can be borne.“ Instead of blanket prohibitions, it is much more effective, targeted Lärmrüpel and rowdies in the case of controls from the traffic. dpa/Daniel shepherd/dpa-Central picture/dpa A parked motorcycle with a small Banner .

transport Minister, Scheuer clearly against motorcycle ban

the Federal Minister against the countries: transport Minister Andreas Scheuer emphasized in view of demonstrations by his opposition to the tightening of the rules for motorcycle riders. The existing rules were sufficient, said the CSU politician of the German press Agency.

He would not implement the recommendations of the Federal States. “The bikers show up at the protests, their attitude towards trying to enforce bans. This is also my attitude.“ Thousands of bikers protested on the weekend nationwide against the Federal Council required temporary traffic bans on Sundays and public holidays for reasons of noise protection. Scheuer has been made more clearly, he can see the decision is critical and was about it.

towns and municipalities opposes motorcycle-ban

Not only the CSU, including the German Association of towns and municipalities (DStGB) rejects the possible driving bans for motorcycle riders. This from the Federal Council due to noise protection reasons call was “the right approach”, said DStGB-managing Director Gerd Landsberg, the “New osnabrück newspaper” (Tuesday edition). Although the noise of motorcycles in the week-will felt by people, often as a disruptive factor. Better noise protection, but can also work without such a “severe restriction of mobility.”

On Saturday, had protested thousands of motorcycle riders in many cities against possible driving bans on Sundays and public holidays. Alone in Stuttgart, the group “bikers for Freedom mobilized” around 10,000 protesters to a rally and a parade, the police announced.

The country’s chamber had voted in may to allow for Traffic restrictions for bikes on Sundays and holidays. The resolution was forwarded to the Federal government. This has to decide whether it wants to implement the proposal of the Federal Council.

The DStGB-chief Executive, appealed to the Federal Minister of transport, Andreas Scheuer (CSU), a “round table motorcycle noise” with representatives of local authorities and motorcycle farmers convene. In this context, should be spoken “on the adjustment of the noise-emission limit values”. Already a reduction of the limits by two to three decibels could halve the Sense of the volume, said Landsberg. AfD-man enters with a gas mask on the lectern – President Hold punishes in FOCUS Online/Wochit AfD-man enters with a gas mask on the lectern – President Hold punishes in danger of super cells: Ex-tropical storm Edouard is heading for Germany to PCP danger of super cells: Ex-tropical storm Edouard controls to more about the future of mobility

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