The speech was strongly react to it. On the 19th of July last, on the occasion of a commemoration of the raid of Vél’of Hiv, the new mayor EELV of Colombes, in the Hauts-de-Seine, has compared the forces of the order of today with the ancient police of the Vichy regime. “The police officers the French gendarmes who have obeyed the orders of their superiors in implementing the raid of Vél’Hiv, and other raids even after and elsewhere, are the ancestors of those who today, with the same zeal, dogged migrants, undocumented migrants, denied human rights, those living beings who try to survive in poverty, alone or with your family,” said Patrick Chaimovitch in front of your constituents.

The comments that he has maintained in a message shared on Twitter on 20 July, citing a “very moving moment” during which he, first, ” required to make the link between the raid of Vél’of Hiv and, on the other hand, all the genocides before and after the rise of nazism ; the migrants hunted down all over Europe because they are different “.

The declaration has resurfaced during the last week, and has aroused the indignation of many of the police unions. On Twitter, the Union of commissioners of the national police (SCPN) has denounced the “about the infamous” on the part of a mayor ” who now embodied the shame of the Republic and dishonors its mandate.” On Facebook, a support of Nicole Goueta, a former municipal official of The Republican Doves, and sees in the speech of Patrick Chaimovitch a ” denigration of our forces, in order for a comparison to be inappropriate between the arrests of jews under the Vichy government in July 1942 and in control in 2020 without papers “. Valérie Pécresse, the president of the region Île-de-France, called on his side to fight ” those political forces that are attacking our republican institutions to discredit them “.

Sunday, the Interior minister Gérald Darmanin is mounted in the niche, indicating on Twitter that he would be filing a complaint against the mayor EELV if ” about the scandalous and intolerable to the police and the gendarmerie of the Republic are to be confirmed “.

In a statement sent to Agence France-Presse, Patrick Chaimovitch said “regret that [s]you about could be confusing” and notes its ” support to police officers and gendarmes who carry the heavy responsibility of republican security in extremely difficult conditions “.

“there is for me no comparison possible between the police and the gendarmerie of a democratic State on the one hand, and police and gendarmerie of the State pétainiste on the other hand,” insists the mayor, denying any parallel between “the fate of migrants” and that ” of the jews, promised to the extermination “.

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writing will advise you

An individual loitering around the home of Gerald Darmanin in Tourcoing Coignard – Macron, Castex and plaster Darmanin Paris : called to domestic violence, the police discovered an arsenal of weapons of war