The escalating diplomatic continues between the United States and China. Donald Trump does not exclude, in effect, to cut off all the relations including economic with Beijing in a context of tensions extreme between the two leading world powers. “The United States is holding, of course, a policy option, under several conditions, to cut all bridges with China “, he made it known on Twitter.

The host of the White House sought to temper the words, held the day before, about China, through its Trade representative Robert Lighthizer during Congressional hearings. The latter, architect of the economic agreement signed between the two countries in January, was found to be positive and optimistic, reiterating that the chinese authorities were going to keep their commitments, in particular the massive purchases of agricultural goods to americans. With figures to support them, he even gave examples of recent purchases, in particular of cotton for a billion dollars. The cutting of the relationship “was a policy option a few years ago, but I do think that it is a policy or policy option is reasonable at this stage,” said Robert Lighthizer.

in Mid-may, Donald Trump had already threatened to break off any relationship with the asian giant and ensured that he no longer wished to speak to its president, Xi Jinping. The republican president has repeatedly said that the heavy toll of the pandemic Covid-19 – more than 450 800 deaths around the world – could have been avoided if China had acted in a responsible manner at the onset of the virus in the city of Wuhan the end of 2019. For its part, Beijing claims to have transmitted as soon as possible all information to the world health Organization (WHO) and other countries, including the United States. The head of the american diplomacy Mike Pompeo, who accuses him also Beijing have initially concealed the extent and severity of the novel coronavirus, had met Wednesday in Hawaii, the top chinese official Yang Jiechi at a meeting of the crisis that was not enough to ease tensions between Washington and Beijing.

“The relationship must be reciprocal”

” The relationship should be more reciprocal and we have raised (Wednesday) a good number of issues “, said on Thursday David Stilwell, u.s. secretary of State deputy for East Asia, to journalists. “I leave it to you to determine if they will comply or no” to requests for the u.s., he added.

Prior to the spread of the pandemic, the first two economic powers of the world came to make a truce in their war commercial coup of tariffs as a punitive reciprocal. The friction had hurt the chinese economy and dealt a severe blow to american farmers. And, the signature of an agreement to stimulate, on the contrary, the economies of the two giants. But the pandemic of Covid-19 has dealt a severe blow to the american economy due to the paralysis of the activity. With a population that is progressively confined from mid-march, the closure of entire sectors of the economy such as hospitality and catering, the first power fell into recession. Nearly 46 million people were also unemployed since mid-march while the unemployment rate was at its lowest level in 50 years before the pandemic.

Donald Trump, who is in the running for a second term, had made of the strong economic growth compared to other advanced economies and good jobs are key assets for his re-election. Hardening of tone towards China comes just as his former national security adviser, John Bolton, accused him of having sought the help of Beijing to win his re-election in November, according to excerpts explosives, a book to be published next Tuesday. In a tweet inflammatory, Donald Trump has described John Bolton of ” crazy “, claiming that the book was a tissue of ” lies and false stories.”

also Read How John Bolton torpedo the re-election of Donald Trump

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