the Aars has done it again: turned On a christmas tree, which makes both townsmen and the rest of the country to block the eyes up.

In the year is the christmas tree namely not some wood.

Actually, there is not so much as a grannål on the giant metal installation with lights, decorations and parcels, from now and throughout december adorn Kirketorvet in the city.

“the christmas Tree will probably be too large a word,” says the president of the Handelsstandsforeningen in Aars, Mogens Kristensen, en B. T. catches him on the phone a few minutes before, this year’s christmas tree will be turned on.

He laughs a little, then he must explain why the city now and again, and again causing a stir with a different christmas tree, and admit that they probably just put a point of honor to make things a little opposite.

“There are thousands of towns that claim to have the world’s nicest christmas tree. It is much easier to go the other way,” he says, adding that the city last year had a neatly tree somewhere else in the city who had not received the least publicity.

As an extra gimmick turn this year’s christmas tree on city central square on the head.

“it makes It, because we do things differently up here, and so is it also to signal that we in the handelsstandsforeningen stands at the head of the customers,” he says.

The vesthimmerlandske borough has in recent years put a point of honor to put the christmas tree up, which has made headlines across the country.

A part can certainly still remember when the city in 2017 really came on the map of Denmark with the country’s ugliest christmas tree. It was so crooked, that Handelsstandsforeningen experienced a veritable shitstorm from the disgruntled citizens, and some thought even that association members may have ‘been spritstive, since they chose it.’

Has your city Denmark’s ugliest christmas tree? Send us a tip and a photo of it on or on our page on Facebook.

Last year was so mad again, as the juletræsansvarlige had chosen to put a huge abetræ up in the square next to the old pharmacy.

at the same time, the association had a fierce criticism because in his eagerness to dress up the town for christmas, had hammered out a lot of light chains in a work of art by Per Kirkeby.

Why has the sales outlets in the year decided to enter into a collaboration with the artist Peer Poulsen. It is him who has designed the tree, and then have a group of students from the college created it in the metal. And then handelsstandsforeningens juletræsansvarlige Jørgen Sørensen also had a finger with in the game.

The last two years, the city’s christmas tree created fierce debate. How it goes dry Mogens Kristensen does not say, but the initial reactions have Casinoslot been positive.

And is not so much to the artistic version of a christmas tree, there are four other quite traditional wood round about, and in the city, you can enjoy the sight of instead.