An hour of sleep in addition, the end of transport are crowded, the time to organize his day… During the containment, each employee has been able to use the freedoms granted by the telework. But the government is preparing to announce a relaxation of the sanitary rules in the companies to allow the return of the largest number of employees. The rule of 4 square meters of distance between each employee will be abolished. It would now be necessary to respect a distance of one metre with his colleague. The disinfection of daily places and the road markings for the movement, however, are maintained. Telework will be the norm.

also Read “I want to go back to the office and see my colleagues,”

A new concern for a good number of employees. After a study conducted by Malakoff Médéric, relayed by Le Parisien, more than one in two French redoubt back in business after the end of the telework. On the 2 970 employees interviewed, they are 56 % to be afraid to put an end to this mode of work which is to perform the tasks entrusted to them remotely with a computer. They would be many to have fear of being infected at their place of work. In the Île-de-France, it is the transports that are the most feared (40 % of the respondents).

telework could it become the standard ?

The containment has also allowed us to install a routine professional that it would be difficult to leave. “People have gained autonomy, accountability and flexibility. They have modified their work organization, ” said Anne-Sophie Godon, director of innovation at Malakoff Médéric from the Parisian. For one employee out of ten, the telework should be long-lasting, and become the norm in his business. This period especially has all of the same hackneyed the cards in some companies.

also Read “working At home, you can very quickly zap the people”

The PSA group has announced that telecommuting would become the rule for the 80,000 employees of the group. But in internal, voices are being raised against this future reorganization, ensure the CFDT and CFE-CGC. Yet, according to a survey of over 40 000 employees in the automotive group, “79 % are in favour,” says the HR director Xavier Chéreau. In the United States, Facebook wants to become the standard-bearer of telework. Her boss, Mark Zuckerberg, hopes that the american giant is ” the most advance in the world on telework “.

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” we Were told : “telework, it is finished !” “Covid-19 : telework, it is the health ?