Many schools and municipalities have no plans for how the movement will be an integral part of education.

the Schools play an important role in getting more children to move more, but too many do not live up to the requirement that there must be a 45-minute daily movement.

so says Bjørn Friis Neerfeldt, who is the secretary general at the Danish school sports.

A new study from the WHO shows that 84,5% of Danish children between 11 and 15 years moving under an hour a day.

– It comes unfortunately as no surprise to me that the Danish children are moving too little. The level of movement falls, the older the students are, he says.

Bjørn Friis Neerfeldt believes that schools play a very big role in enabling children, when there is a legal requirement for 45 minutes of movement a day.

It is three-quarters of the recommendation from the Danish Health and medicines authority on 60 minutes of movement a day.

– the Schools have a big task in it here. They have Baymavi the ability to create a desire to move throughout life, because you have fat in all the children – and you can help them to get their eyes up for voluntary work, says Bjørn Friis Neerfeldt.

A recent study from the Danish school sports show that about four out of ten schools do not live up to the legal requirement of 45 minutes of movement a day.

Bjørn Friis Neerfeldt calls for municipalities and skoledere in the higher the degree shall put the motion in focus, so it is not just up to the individual teacher.

– It is a difficult task to bring movement into the education of the audience – especially udskolingen.

– The older students requires more than play, and that there is a professional aim. It can be difficult for teachers.

– It is now much the individual teacher’s responsibility to create a meaningful active day at school, he says.

Additionally, he points out that parents also have a responsibility to get their children active.

– the Parents also have a responsibility to be role models and make sure that you take the bike in to school, if it is possible – and create the activities, so the kids don’t always end up in front of the screen, he says.
