Many cyclists are being daily frustrated by a red light, they do not think makes sense.
part of the cyclists choose to run a red light, while another part is left with a sense of to be to laugh to stop for traffic lights, they do not seem to make sense. And who just steals their time, even though there is no danger would be to run forward.
“When I do I red here on Enghavevej, then whizz all of the other often past me in a hurry. So I feel actually a bit smÃ¥dum, because I often am the only one who respect the law,” says cyklistforbundets director Klaus Bondam to the TV 2 Lorry.
He holds back at the T-junction Enghavevej and Ingerslevgade, where he must right out of the bike path, there is really not a part of the junction.
“There is absolutely nothing to prevent, I might as well continue. Well, apart from the red light. The cars swing not up on the bike path, and I can easily merge with any left-turning cyclists from Ingerslevgade, there also needs to be up on the bike path,” says Klaus Bondam.
Although the city of Copenhagen turns up to be the world’s leading cycling city, so recognize the municipality’s enhedschef for Traffic, Jakob Bülow Find, that there around the city are many places where cyclists do not have optimal conditions.
“I know since lots of places, where it is a little hard for cyclists. But I have good people on staff who know where the sites are, so they are written on the list of reminders. So when there is the opportunity to do something, then we will of course like to do something about the places,” says Jakob Bülow Find.
Particularly in the morning – and eftermiddagsmyldretiden, there are many cyclists, the daily annoyance over what they see as a meaningless tick.
On Vesterbrogade in Copenhagen have a TV 2 Lorry in just one hour filmed 116 cyclists brave the red light in the.
Jakob Bülow Finding highlights the various intersections around the city, where the municipality already has changed in the decor for the cyclists fault.
It is, among other things, that they have set up sensors, extending the green light when there are groups of cyclists, and the traffic light where it has been allowed to swing to the right of the red.
But even if it goes forward, as he well knows, that in the several years forward will be cycle paths and junctions that do not give cyclists optimal conditions.
“We do not have all the money in the whole world, so it is all the time a hard-nosed priority, where we need to do something first,” says Jakob Bülow Find.
But Cyklistforbundet calls for the development takes off, so that the municipalities are in higher level thinking about the cyclists into the decor.
“It really means something for the cyclist and in particular, in this cold season, you will get a flow in its drive. If you are constantly interrupted by red lights, so is it not with to animate for choosing the bike to,” says director of Cyklistforbundet, Klaus Bondam, and continues.
“If more people choose the bicycle for everyday life, so it should be an easy, effective and convenient choice.”
Cyklistforbundet therefore calls on municipalities to proceed as soon as possible to speed up the development.
“the Copenhagen municipality and all other municipalities for that matter, should really go their traffic light through, and look at how they can change something for the cyclists fault. Often it is the relatively small changes that can create it here flow, which is very important for cyclists,” says director of Cyklistforbundet Klaus Bondam.
the Of and to are the rules and laws that stand in the way of that conditions for cyclists can be improved. Frederiksberg municipality was earlier in the year, the refusal from the police to introduce right turn at a red light in the 16 selected sets of traffic lights, because the bike paths were not quite wide enough.
Frederiksberg Municipality took the police refused to note, but in such situations believe Klaus Bondam, the local authorities together with the police should challenge the law and maybe change some more things at the intersections, so that the situation can still be increased for the cyclists.
“If all parties are willing to have a good, solution-oriented and innovative approach to things, so I am pretty sure that we can find very many places where we can increase the cykelfremkommeligheden significantly,” says Klaus Bondam.