Marcel Amon-Tanoh has made its decision. The ex-minister of foreign Affairs, the former close to president Alassane Ouattara, has declared the presidential candidate of October. He made the announcement on Wednesday 22 July in Abidjan. A nomination dissenting from the ruling party, which is not really a surprise. The man in favour of an internal primary had officially resigned from the government in march following the announcement by the head of State outgoing to wear his choice on fire Amadou Gon Coulibaly as a dolphin in a ceremony that he has chosen to boycott. His absence had caused much ink to flow at the time.

” I decided to be a candidate in the next presidential election “, said the former diplomat, 68 years of age, during a short speech of less than ten minutes in front of journalists, without the presence of militants in a luxury hotel in the capital.

” I want to be the hyphen between the State and the people, between the respect for our traditions, and our desire for modernity “, he said, stressing the importance of peace and reconciliation among the Ivorians after the decade of politico-military crisis of the 2000s, a dominant theme in national policy.

Read also the Disappearance of Amadou Gon Coulibaly : Ivory Coast between shock and uncertainty

The break with Alassane Ouattara

Long close to president Ouattara that he’s known for thirty years, and of which he was the director of the cabinet during his first term, at the same time that Amadou Gon Coulibaly was the general secretariat, Marcel Amon-Tanoh was hoping to be designated by the Rassemblement des Houphouëtistes for democracy and peace (RHDP), the ruling to run for his succession at the next presidential election.

But the choice of the head of State outgoing was no doubt. The Prime minister, Amadou Gon Coulibaly, who died on July 8 of a heart attack, having been preferred, Marcel Amon-Tanoh, also heir of the democratic Party of Ivory Coast (PDCI), before it is put to the service of Ouattara and the Rally of the republicans (RDR), was soon distanced. “I have a vision for my country. I have a program for my country’, has firmly shown Amon-Tanoh in his speech on Wednesday, without specifying on what political movement supported his candidacy.

Native to the south-east of Côte d’ivoire, Marcel Amon-Tanoh has first made a career in the private sector, and then held several ministerial positions in the years 2000 (Transport, Tourism, Construction).

a Few days before to formalize his candidacy, the former diplomat has extensively addressed the Ivorians and the head of State out, especially in a post on his page in Facebook in which he draws attention to the fact that ” the debate republican has given way to calculations préélectoraux and matters of general interest have been relegated to a second plan “.

indeed, the political climate is tense in Côte d’ivoire before the presidential election in October. It will take place ten years after the post-electoral crisis of 2010-2011, which had left 3 000 people dead.

also Read Ivory Coast : cape on the party unified ?

Race against time

After the unexpected death of Amadou Gon Coulibaly, the RHDP must quickly find a new candidate. A nomination of the president Ouattara to his own succession for a third term to which he had initially abandoned, is emerging.

on The side of the opposition, ex-president Henri Konan Bédié, age 86, will be the candidate of the democratic Party of Ivory Coast (PDCI), while the ivorian popular Front (FPI), divided in the absence of its historic leader, Laurent Gbagbo, has not yet nominated a candidate.

The ex-rebel leader and former Prime minister Guillaume Soro, a 47-year-old, has declared candidate, but has lived in exile in France after his conviction by the ivorian justice to 20 years in prison for ” attempted insurrection “.

also Read Ivory Coast : Alassane Ouattara, won’t he run for a third term ?

writing will advise you

Disappearance of Amadou Gon Coulibaly : Ivory Coast between shock and uncertainty, Côte d’ivoire : heading for the party unified ? Côte d’ivoire : Amadou Gon Coulibaly died in three months of the presidential election Ivory Coast : Alassane Ouattara, won’t he run for a third term ?