The restrictions, which apply during the Corona-crisis, to loosen and also for car or motorcycle driver. What are the rules still, you can find here.

Many people are confused because of the Corona of a crisis, whether trips by car and motorcycle during the Corona-crisis are back to normal possible. Germany relaxes restrictions for car drivers and motorcycle riders. These rules apply now.

The Corona-protection measures, and the Federal contact restrictions are gradually relaxed. What are the rules when driving, therefore, apply officially yet, read in the following sections.

Coronavirus: Are allowed to ride the car or motorcycle?

The ADAC announced on its official website that jaunts with the car and motorbike allowed in all of the länder are. Nevertheless, this should take place only in the immediate vicinity, since the trips objectives could lead to a popular excursion, possibly to crowds .

How many persons are allowed to ride in a car?

The ADAC pointed out that the current distance rules in the car box stock. However, because a minimum distance of at least 1.5 meters is not to be observed in most vehicles, should only be people of the same household transported in the same car. Meanwhile, may take family members together in the same vehicle.

Must or may I carry in the car for a Mouth guard?

The mask of duty in Germany* is since the 27. April . Who is in supermarkets or other shops, as well as with the Public transport, must wear appropriate mouth protection. the private car the scheme is, therefore, not . Anyone who would still like to wear a Mouth guard at the control* however, you must make sure that the facial features remain Essentially recognizable – in the case of conventional masks, this is not a Problem. In the case of larger variants that could not be guaranteed. Here can even threaten fines in the amount of 60 Euro. At gas stations, rest areas and workshops are applicable everywhere, the General spacing rules.

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I would be able to travel with the car inside or outside of Germany?

Furthermore, the citizens should refrain from private travel and regional trips . The global travel warning the Federal government is still up to 14. June . At the borders to Denmark, France, Luxembourg, Austria and Switzerland, there are border controls, but by the end of the month, some of the relaxations sequences are also here. On travel within Germany should also be avoided, recommends the Federal government. With further relaxations for tourism is, however, expected in the next few days.

Corona-crisis: ADAC works as usual

The ADAC advised last non-essential journeys in the whole of Germany . “Every exit involves a certain degree of risk for any mishaps or accidents. Who makes the machine, avoids in case of unnecessary hazards for breakdown services or use of force , ” said the ADAC-lawyer Stefan Bergmann. Nevertheless, the ADAC staff will continue to work as usual, and are required to adhere to the recommended hygiene measures.

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