on Tuesday 26 may, the national Assembly has adopted a resolution LREM in favour of the creation of a new status intended for children of caregivers who died from Covid-19. A statute based on the model of the wards of the Nation. The government is committed to “make proposals” to the subject of this non-binding resolution ” reflecting the national recognition for all of the caregivers “. Elected officials from all sides have increased the tributes to the professionals of health, “everyday heroes,” noting that “if the health system has held, it is thanks to the care givers “committed to” this crap ” virus.

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The RN to BIA, all of the elect have expressed their support for this resolution range by François Jolivet (LREM), which welcomes, in particular in its single article, the tribute to caregivers announced for the 14th of July, and calls on the government ” to consider the creation of a specific status of national recognition for the children of workers who died from Covid-19, on the model of the ward of the Nation “. “We do not know precisely the number of families involved,” noted Mr. Jolivet, defending the text as “a unifying force” who wants to “incitement” to action addressed to the government.

A hardware protection and legal

He stressed that the ward of the Nation, born after the First world War, had already been extended several times, including victims of terrorism. This statute gives the children involved a hardware protection and particular morality exercised by the national Office of veterans and war victims (ONACVG). Even if all of them have expressed their support, some elected opposition, in particular the PCF, were in favour of doing more for carers, or to extend this status to the children of all employees ” active in this sequence tragic that lives were lost.

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The elected RL Philippe Gosselin said they hoped to support “in a few weeks” of the proposed law filed by the end of march in this direction. The secretary of State for the Protection of children Adrien Cleat has indicated that the government would consider the resolution ” with severity “. It will work “in the coming weeks on the guarantee of rights for children of caregivers who died” of the Covid-19, on the model that will be adapted from the status of wards of the nation. “The government is committed to make proposals in this direction “, he added.

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