The health crisis hits with full force on South America, up to the highest echelons of power. The acting president of Bolivia Jeanine Añez announced on Thursday that she had tested positive for coronavirus and she was fine. “I am positive the Covid-19, I’m fine, I will be working in isolation. Together, we will move forward,” wrote Jeanine Añez on his Twitter account. “I’ll be in quarantine for fourteen days and do another test. I feel good,” added the leader of the right 53-year-old, in a video posted on the same account.

also Read Brazil : Bolsonaro, the coronavirus and the rain

similar Case in Venezuela, where the number two in the regime, Diosdado Cabello, announced on Thursday that have been tested positive to the new coronavirus, and be placed in isolation. “I would like to inform you that, after you have found the symptoms matching, I was tested positive to the Covid-19, therefore I am already placed in solitary confinement in concordance with the recommendations”, has tweeted the president of the national constituent Assembly, fully acquired the power chaviste. He had interrupted on Wednesday its weekly show, stating to be “in the process of fighting a strong allergy”. Diosdado Cabello is the number two in the presidential party, the PSUV. The constituent Assembly which he leads, is attributed to the essential powers of the national Assembly, the unicameral parliament of Venezuela, the only institution of the country currently controlled by the opposition.

Read also Baverez, The tragedy of the brazilian

Bolsonaro “going very well”

For his part, the president of the brazilian Jair Bolsonaro, who has announced on Tuesday to have contracted the Covid-19, said Thursday on Facebook that he was going “very well” and has again advocated the use of hydroxychloroquine, a drug controversial. Jair Bolsonaro, 65, appeared in his communication in a live, weekly on Facebook, conducted in his official residence.

Read also Barochez – The virus weakens the strong men

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