For some, the coronavirus is a curse that never ends. In the Val-d’oise, a citizen must face a new test when he has already recently lost his father, carried away by the Covid-19. The family of this bus driver has received last may a bill of over € 7,000 on the part of the hospital Saint-Louis, located in the 10th arrondissement of Paris. It is here that her father had been hospitalized for ten days, at the end of April, in intensive care, just before dying, reports Le Parisien.

The invoice indicated that the family of the deceased had to settle the score of 7 036,80 euros, corresponding to 20 % of the cost which are not reimbursed by social Security on a total bill of 35 184 euros. However, the patient had no mutuelle to cover this cost. The family had to settle the sum, but the wife of 70 years receives only 560 euros pension. His son, the bus driver can’t really do much, gaining just € 1,800 a month. He also believes that he should not have to pay such a sum.

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fault State

” I obviously paid nothing, and I will pay thee nothing. This would eliminate all the savings of my mother, my sister and mine “, laments the son of the family in the columns of the Parisian. In addition to the costs of hospitalization in Saint-Louis, the deceased had also stayed for three weeks at the clinic of Claude-Bernard, located in Ermont. And this bill, the family has not yet received it, but it promises to be even more salty than the first. Again, the son of the family believes that this is not for him or his mother to set the note : “I hope that everything will be taken care of, if it has caught the Covid, it is because of the State ! “

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At issue, according to him, the continuation of the first round of the municipal elections, on march 15. With the daily, the bus driver indicates that it is this output that any precipitate. He and his mother would have borne the brunt of the symptoms of the Covid-19 “few days after” go to the polls. The state of health of the patriarch has, on its side, the gradient from the end of the month of march. It was after a scanner at the clinic of Claude-Bernard that the doctors have confirmed that his lungs were infected to 75 %. “If he went to vote, it is because the president of the Republic has asked for it ! At the time, he told us even to continue to live as before. Because of their lack of vigilance, my father died of the coronavirus. And they would pay the fees in addition ? “

Already a remedy against the State

He has also contacted the group of lawyers behind a legal challenge against the State which brings together more than 130 sick or assigns of the deceased, who died on the Covid-19. An action seeking recognition of a wrong committed by the government in its management of the health crisis, since the arrival of the epidemic. With the Parisian, one of the lawyers collective believes that a recognition of this fault could allow the victims or their families to obtain compensation. It could even take the form of an assumption of costs of hospitalization of the sick if a bad State has been proved.

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writing will advise you

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