After the closure of a first school in the 12th arrondissement of Paris, the école élémentaire Lamoricière, the regional Agency of health (ARS) Ile-de-France has proceeded to the closure of another school on Wednesday 24 June, following the confirmation of a positive case of Covid-19. The ARS, however, is reassuring, indicating that it is not a cluster. This second school, the elementary school of the Fox, is located in the 4th arrondissement, rue du Renard. It has approximately 200 students. “There is only a single case, but that has been in contact with many students and teachers, so we took the decision to close the facility, until July 7,” said the ARS.

on The side of the school Lamoricière, the closure is recorded up to Friday 26 June inclusive, ” by prudence and vigilance “, following the confirmation of the ” three positive cases of Covid-19 “, explains the ARS to the Agency France-Presse, without giving details on the persons concerned. According to the ARS, ” since these three cases were divided in the time between the beginning of June and Monday, it is not a cluster “. The ARS is pending ” investigation of health monitoring and will then need to take measures, on a possible extension of this closure or not.

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No other schools within the paris region closed

If this elementary school was forced to close its doors, the kindergarten attached to it, open. “It is a question of two different structures, the two schools do not have courses in common, and thus there was no risk,” says ARS. The agency has stated that there is no other closed schools in the Île-de-France, due to detection of Covid-19. Since the start of the school mandatory for all students Monday, in Paris, ” 83 % of students and 90 % of the teachers have returned to school “, has told the Agence France-Presse Patrick Bloche, a deputy of the city council in charge of education.

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