the current world market leader index of Rödl & Partner, the FOCUS Online shows exclusively is present. Together with the University of St. Gallen, the experts for their study of German world market leaders have asked about the economic Situation. Accordingly, the current index value in the spring survey, in 2020, only 35,9, that is in the range between “bad” and “very bad”.

For comparison: In the spring of 2019, the reply of the company resulted in a value of 59.2, which the experts translate it with “close to good”. Until last autumn, it had fallen with 48,5 (“worse-than-acceptable”) sharply. However, in the Wake of the Corona pandemic, we reach once more a whole new dimensions.

Overwhelming majority says the Situation is “bad”

On a scale from 0 (“worse, it’s not”) to 100 (“better”) rate is now 77 percent of the companies the Situation between “bad” and “worse, it’s not”. A year ago, a value of 3.2 percent was determined. At the same time, 71.4 per cent of the respondents said that the Situation is “good” or better. The type is now only 6.6 per cent, to log.

Rödl & Partner, the German world market leaders to rate the General business climate in Germany

According to grim, the Outlook of German companies according to their own evaluation on the international markets. Thus, 62 percent are currently evaluating the company’s international business activities, with “weak” to “very weak” – in the spring of 2019, it was only 9.4 percent. After all, 27.9% responded with a “stable” and better. A year ago, almost two out of three companies that responded in this way were however.

  • read also: Now there is a flash, and soon there is a crash: 6, prior to Corona

, say for a new world Good grades for the Federal government

Nevertheless, many companies see a small light at the end of the tunnel. Because of the economic and financial policy of the government, this time very positive reviews:

  • 71 percent of the world’s market leader award in this regard, the grade of “satisfactory” or better. This value has to be doubled within half a year almost – in the fall of 2019, it was only 42.6 percent.
  • Almost as many (40.3 percent) say now even the politicians would be “good” or even “very good” job (in the spring of 2019, it was 21.9 percent).
  • 11.3 percent of the respondents rate the economic and financial policy, however, with “poor”. As “unsatisfactory” but found them, of all things, while the Corona-crisis no more. In the spring of 2019 total both reviews to 12.5 percent.

Rödl & Partner for Good grades there are in the Corona of the crisis in the financial and economic policy of the Federal government

“Not just the middle class obviously has the impression that the reins be kept Wisely in the right Hand”, explains Christian Rödl, Chairman of the management Board of Rödl & Partner, compared to FOCUS Online. “Even if there are always different views to the individual decisions, it is considered the General treatment of this difficult subject as goal-oriented.”

Rödl & Partner Christian Rödl Chairman of the management Board of Rödl & Partner. The lawyer advises family businesses and their owners, and teaches as an honorary Professor at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany.

on The other hand many companies are hoping, apparently, to the fact that they come in comparison to competitors from other countries and regions of the world better through the crisis. Be it on the part of the company “to increasingly hear voices to understand the pandemic as an opportunity to gain market share,” confirms Rödl. This applies, in particular, in the B2B sector. Everything about the development of the Corona-crisis

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expert companies are advised to expand right now is abroad

“Many world leaders have gone through your To-do’s at an early stage”, says Rödl compared to FOCUS Online. In addition, the medium-sized structure of the German economy is robust, and thus “extremely helpful”. At the same time, the company had increased within “ten very successful years,” since the financial crisis, their financial resilience. (Display)

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Thus, against all odds, is apparent in Spite of an “excellent strategic fit”, emphasises Rödl. “This is a very strong differentiator.” He advises companies to invest in right now, and to increasingly expand abroad. So they would have comparatively good chances, “quickly make up ground”. Everything about the development of the Corona-crisis

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The companies see their opportunities increasingly in the Region:

  • Asia secures in respect of the international growth potential, while 55.7 per cent was once again the leading position. In comparison to the previous year, the value of the is, however, a loss of approximately 10 percent.
  • Exceptionally massive, the US will lose at the same time: Only 6.6 percent of the companies recognize on the other side of the Atlantic, notable growth opportunities, to 21.9 percent in the spring of 2019.
  • Italy is also an Almost-neighbor and traditional Partner of the German economy ends up on the list of countries that make a special effort to impede cross-border trade. Overall, however, the European countries is virtually the winner of the investigation : Here, almost every fifth company hope for future growth.

Rödl & Partner As the respondents appreciate the potential for growth abroad

“Smaller and medium-sized companies fear for their existence,”

The change, which emerges here when looking at the opportunities for the future, corresponds with the complaints of entrepreneurs on increasing trade barriers, in particular on the part of the United States. A total of 59 percent of German world market to give guide to suffer from specific barriers to trade – a value that has changed least of all hardly. However, the proportion of those who answered “Yes,” has increased significantly To 10.9 percent in the spring of 2019 there are now 27.9 percent. 18% (previously 10.9%) feel not at all due to barriers affected.

What exactly the future will show. It is established that the Corona-crisis power to create, and that’s just the German Mittelstand. According to KfW, more than 2.2 million, and 58 percent of the 3.8 million SMEs in the March revenue loss due to Corona recorded. “Small and medium-sized companies fear for their existence,” confirms Rödl compared to FOCUS Online. About a quarter of the companies had applied for funding loans, so its estimate, and significantly more have only just logged in to work. “The towel but no one prematurely.” The world market leader in index

The Rödl & Partner-is the world market leader index leader index for the ROOF-space at the University of St. Gallen is based on the world market. The scientific management of the project is Christoph Müller of the HBM entrepreneur school, which belongs to the Executive School of Management, Technology & Law at the University of St. Gallen.

The Index is intended to give early evidence on the risks and opportunities for the “engine of the German economy”. The German world market leaders are asked to – whether listed or not – since the spring of 2018, semi – annually and anonymously to their assessments of the current economic and financial policy issues.

The survey is addressed to around 500 German world market leaders who meet the following criteria:

  • The headquarters must be located in Germany,
  • the company must be on at least 3 continents,
  • the annual turnover must be at least 50 million euros,
  • the proportion of exports/foreign sales must represent at least 50 percent of sales, and
  • the company must have sales worldwide, the market position 1 or 2 in the relevant market segment.

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