Cashless payments with smartphones are gradually becoming less niche in Germany. Bank cards (44 percent) and cash (30 percent) are by far the most popular payment methods, according to a Forsa survey commissioned by the credit card provider Visa. Smartphones (13 percent) and smartwatches (4 percent) together account for a not insignificant share of the 1,732 adults surveyed.

According to data collected in September/October of the current year, a total of 23 percent of respondents use their smartphone or smartwatch frequently or at least occasionally to pay for goods or services in the store. In the survey four years ago, the proportion was significantly lower at 6 percent. “Digital technologies are increasingly shaping the way we deal with money,” said Albrecht Kiel, head of Central Europe at credit card provider Visa.

Almost one in five people (19 percent) said in the current survey that they avoid stores where you cannot make cashless purchases. When asked where they currently miss the option of paying by card or mobile, participants most often mentioned small shops (31 percent), weekly markets (26 percent) and Christmas markets (24 percent) as well as bakeries (20 percent).

According to their own statements, what is most important to consumers when paying at the checkout is that it is quick. 67 percent of those surveyed chose this aspect from a selection of answer options. Almost as many want to have a good overview of their expenses (64 percent) – and in their own opinion they can do this best with bank cards such as the Girocard linked to the current account (41 percent) or by paying with notes and coins (38 percent). . When asked which payment method they use to control their everyday expenses best and most clearly, 9 percent name the smartphone.