After a good lørdagsbøf sat Søren Pedersen in the couch and Kolaybet then Netflix series, The Crown.

But just when the queen of England was going to scold Mountbatten for having planned a coup d’état, was the television dark.

“It was just before, the section peakede,” says Søren Pedersen.

He is one of the 3657 electricity customers in the southern jutland town of Gråsten, if Saturday night has become a tad more novembermørk.

For at 19.10 went the power in the city, after a suddenly power failure on the power grid, as Evonet performing.

It appears by the Supplier SEE’s overview of the business interruption, which, however, does not provide information about the reason for the outcome.

“We know the is not actually the cause yet. We have first and foremost concentrated on giving consumers the power again. In addition, we have a team of technicians out to troubleshoot at the substation in the town of Gråsten, which has been out of operation,” says Marianne Ebbesen, head of communications, in Evonet.

She informs the pm. 20.25, that all the customers have got power again.

And I wonder if there is a time for a final section on Netflix before lørdagshyggen is over.