Who children money over the age of 18. The age of the young is to secure, in addition, you must look carefully.

Who children money over the age of 18. The age of the young is to secure, in addition, you must look carefully. There are many Details to note. Not always, the distinction is, when the vocational goal is achieved, simple as that.

kids money over the age of 18. Age also

Once a child is 18 years old, the Child benefit in the same month. On applying, it can go further, however, as it is said in a report on welt.de on the subject of. Under certain circumstances.

Who are the child benefit over the age of 18. The age of the offspring wanted to assure, in addition, had to look carefully, the report says. The rough rule of thumb for parents of children up to 25 years Isabel Klocke, an expert explains the Federal taxpayers* on Welt.de so: “The children’s money entitlement so long, until the professional objective is reached, and the young adults can go to work.”

Only if the initial training had come to an end, says the report further, stop the state funding. In practice, the demarcation of the border was not easy. The young do several training steps, parents should talk to the family Fund.

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when is achieved the career goal?

Often, the support, therefore, fails on the Details. Or at the tricky delimitation, when the offspring to be a professional objective is actually achieved. Parents should ask, therefore, necessarily in a timely manner, especially with regard to the Transitions: A long Apprenticeship for example, the family Bank with Documents, such as online applications, Cancellations or confirmation of presentation dates must be verified by the company, such as Welt.de reports, for example.

Even if all the conditions are met, there are still more hurdles: “Who wants to go in the extension , you must set the application in a timely manner”, it says on Welt.de for example. The family was to late, you lose your money. Since 2018, the children’s allowance is granted only for a maximum of six months retroactively. Teaching or studying to be in front of the 25. Birthday finished, there are no children, more money.

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be entitled to children’s money – where are there gaps?

Have sections of the talent of his education qualification or Abi in the bag, to the parents four months children of money – to act as a Bridge between two Training, says expert Isabel Kocke on Welt.de the procedure. There is no gap, according to the report, for example, when the child starts in the autumn, an apprenticeship or a degree. It is junk e, but in the choice of occupation and studies, whether the claim already as of July lost.

most parents wouldn’t suspect, because of the child benefit begin to flow more into your account. The family Fund will ask it back.” the parents would also have to pay extra, then, if a son or daughter travel for months “chilling out” or “the world”, called the Portal a couple of examples. The support is also the way if a full-year old child to use to school, a Work and Travel program, so the BFH (III B 119/08). Good to know: After that, could very well child benefit – should begin in the Junior, a first training g .

Because the definition can be in individual cases difficult, and there are a great many Details, parents should inform better, therefore, to the same level of detail. It might be worth it for you.

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