The COBRA project (CObalt-free Batteries for FutuRe Automotive Applications; cobalt-free batteries for future automotive applications) is to be funded with EUR 11.8 million to develop cobalt-free batteries of the next Generation. The project started already in the beginning of this year and runs until January 2024.

Europe wants a battery capacity

to build The consortium behind the COBRA project, which is led by the Institute for energy research (IREC) in the Spanish Region of Catalonia, is made up of 19 leading organisations and institutions of the battery production sector.

But what exactly is so bad about that currently almost all of the E-car batteries contain cobalt ? The most expensive Material in the construction of a vehicle battery is cobalt. Much harder is the fact it weighs, however, that the Material has always been because of its toxicity and the associated environmental and health concerns in the criticism and ethically questionable and people is degraded to be unworthy conditions. Was it for gas? Tesla’s new miracle battery Was supposed to create 1.6 million kilometres of PCP’s for nitro? Tesla’s new miracle battery to 1.6 million kilometers

create 125 million E-cars by 2030

It is expected that by 2030, approximately 125 million electric vehicles on the roads around the globe are on the go. Also, the production capacity for batteries will rise to rise in this period of time continuously, and it is assumed that the preferred Lithium-ion technology is likely to remain in the next decade, the preferred election, according to electric cars report.

the More important is the development of a cobalt-free technology for Lithium-ion batteries is, therefore, in order for this environment can be, and manufactured more economically. The focus will be to ensure that the new technology offers a high energy/power density and lifetime of cobalt-based Lithium-ion batteries. Expert shows what Tricks your car a Million kilometers PCP expert creates shows which Tricks your car is a Million miles creates

The participation of several leading battery manufacturers to ensure a simple adjustment to production lines and to scale, in order to contribute to a higher market acceptance, and to strengthen the Position of Europe in this field.

Concrete has set, the COBRA project for the proposed batteries, the following objectives:

  • elimination of the use of cobalt

  • 750 Wh/l cell energy density

  • the lifetime of >2000 charge cycles

  • 3C fast-charge capability of the battery packs

  • 50% Weight reduction

  • the cost of not more than 90 €/kWh at the Start of the commercial production

  • Reduced Flammability in a temperature range of -40° C to 100° C

  • The case is a Li-ion battery brand >800°C for at least 30 minutes

  • increase in the tensile and impact strength of the housing 300%

  • recycling of metals should be greater promises 95%

Tesla “million-miles-battery”

the eagerly-awaited Million-mile battery of their electric car pioneer Tesla, and CEO Elon Musk, meanwhile, has repeatedly announced, to do without cobalt and with a price of less $ 100 per kilowatt-hour to produce.

Spotlight Automotive, a Joint Venture of BMW, Mini, and the Chinese car maker Great Wall plans apparently also to bring under the umbrella of the brand Mini electric car on the market, its battery is supposed to do without cobalt.

This article was written by Tobias steel

*The contribution of “Cheaper and cobalt-free: published Europe’s new Super-battery” is of Contact with the executives here.

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