25 introvejledere on CBS has been expelled temporarily. 44 others also run the risk of eviction.

the 25 students from the Copenhagen Business School (CBS) has expelled temporarily, because they haven’t lived up to the university’s alkoholregler on introture.

in Addition, there have been examples of cross-border behaviour and sexist language. It informs CBS in a press release.

The 25 students have been introvejledere on course for new students, where, according to the CBS chose to “ignore” on the university’s regulatory framework for introture.

CBS introduced in 2016, the new rules of introductory courses for a number of years, where there had been cross-border behaviour on the introture.

the Rules means that all activities, which calls for the drinking of alcohol is prohibited.

in Addition, there must not drink beer before the clock 17, and of strong spirits is forbidden during the entire introforløbet.

– It is both regrettable and disappointing that we are now temporarily allowed to ban a larger group of students, because they obviously have violated the rules for introductory courses on campus, says vice-chancellor Nikolaj Malchow-Møller.

– Our rules are very clear on this area. Our introvejledere have signed on to comply with the rules, but yet broken them. It responds, of course, we on, he says in the press release.

students are expelled in a-two exam periods. It means for some of the evicted, that the first may return in september 2020.

the Case started after the students introturene in the year turned to CBS and told that the rules about alcohol were not complied with. Also told more about the “unacceptable behaviour”.

Subsequently, all the students on the introturene been able to participate in an evaluation, and it has uncovered “multiple problems”.

On the back edge of the evaluation has a further 44 introvejledere got a høringsbrev, and they also risk to be expelled. It is expected to be settled in January.

CBS has the background of the case decided that introforløbet – including hytteturene – must have a service check.

It should result in a new concept for the sessions, which can be taken in use by studiestarten in august next year.
