on Monday, 25 may, Christophe Castaner has been found to have entrusted the issue of the fight against rodeos in the city, two deputies. The minister of the Interior expected the development of a new plan for the fight against rodeos in the city. The revelations made during his trip in a police station paris after a rodeo city, may 15, on the device of the capital, during which a policeman was injured. Christophe Castaner has shown to be rather firm in stating that ” the time had come to put in place a new action plan, more ambitious, more global against rodeos urban “.

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” We must, he says, meet, more, the challenge of the seizures of vehicles by relying more on intelligence and criminal investigation. Because, in addition to confiscating the motorcycles, quads and scooters of offenders, we deprive ourselves of their capacity to do harm, to put themselves in danger. “The minister has also raised the work of prevention to be implemented in connection” with the communities and associations “and the need to involve” more and better municipal police forces “and” work even more closely with justice.”

Two years in prison and a 30 000 euros fine

It has been entrusted to two women LREM, Natalia Pouzyreff – former rapporteur of the law proposal on the rodeos urban – and Catherine Osson, the mission to develop this new anti-rodeos. Since an act of 2018, the rodeo city is a crime punishable by up to two years in prison and a 30,000 euro fine, which was given a legal basis by the forces of order to intervene in this area.

During the confinement, the rodeos have not stopped. In total, “the interventions of the facts of rodeos urban rose 15 %,” said Christophe Castaner. He emphasized that it was ” not necessarily a rise in the number of rodeos, but a change of practice : the rodeos in larger groups, as a bravado supplementary to the act, were multiplied “. “337 violations have been identified” during this period, he added.