New twist in the investigation into the death of Adama Traoré. According to a source close to the dossier, the result of the hearings recent two witnesses in the case, new investigations will soon be launched. As a reminder, the young man died in 2016, at the age of 24 years, during his arrest by gendarmes. These investigations will include the research of new witnesses, individuals who would have been able to attend an initial arrest of Adama Traoré.

July 19, 2016, the latter had died in the barracks of the gendarmes of Persian, nearly two hours after his arrest in his hometown of Beaumont-sur-Oise (Val-d’oise), and at the end of a chase after escaping a first inquiry. These investigations are complementary, have been decided after the hearing of two witnesses last week by the co-investigating judges in charge of this folder, erected as a symbol of police violence.

Read also EXCLUSIVE. Adama Traoré, the counter-investigation

He is the man in whom Adama Traoré had fled just before his arrest by three cops and a woman who had attended his first arrest. The lawyers of the policemen, who have not been indicted, Me Sandra Chirac-Kollarik, Me Rodolphe Bosselut and mr. Pascal Rouiller, had announced last week that they were going to request the termination of the instruction, arguing that it was “time to put an end to this folder’, where ” more than 2, 400 minutes “.

A battle of experts

The two hearings have led to ” the magistrates to order spontaneously investigations. These new acts show that the closure request of the instruction of the gendarmes is rejected “, welcomed Me Yassine Bouzrou, the family lawyer Traoré. “These investigations do not appear to me essential. They relate to the first arrest, in circumstances which have already been established, ” said for his part, Me Rodolphe Bosselut.

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Nearly four years after the facts, the judicial inquiry is, above all, become a battle of medical opinions. Closed in December 2018, the investigations had been reopened by the judges in march 2019 after the delivery of a medical report produced at the request of the family, and that contradicted the conclusions about the death.

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If seven experts appointed by the justice have so far put in front of the medical history – especially cardiac and genetic – to explain this death, dédouanant and the gendarmes, the reports of four physicians selected by the family swept their conclusions and pointed to the technique of arrest of the forces of law and order. After a final judicial expertise who was not involved in the military, the family of the young man has made since the end of may many of the requests for actions, including the cancellation of this expertise.

writing will advise you

Michel Richard – What does it (really) Assa Traoré ?