The Chairman of the economic, Lars field, recommends that in the light of the Corona-recession moderation in wages and salaries. “I am Convinced that the overall economy has now entered a Phase of Wage restraint would have to start,” said field in an Interview with the “WirtschaftsWoche”.

wages and salaries under pressure

And justification of the Freiburg Economist said: “The corona of a crisis acts as a hard productivity shock. In the past years, wages and salaries were decoupled already from the productivity. To close this gap, it is in the short and medium term, not so lush go on as before the crisis.“

field expected in the course of the economic crisis, yet tough collective bargaining disputes: “On the farms, workers such as managers, can get in fact, even violent conflicts, the longer this recession lasts,” he said of the “economic week”.

“expected This is going to be hard next spring.”

Also, the German trade Union Federation (DGB) hard conflicts of Distribution in an election year. For 2021, on a socially and politically difficult election battle. “There is no power allowed to give reductions if the coffers are empty – then the money has to come from the tax pot,” said DGB Board member Anja Piel the Berlin “Tagesspiegel”. “This is going to be hard next spring, the real battle is still ahead of us.”

The topic of lower income and income justice will also play in the Bundestag election campaign, a role, since “in the pandemic, people at the lower end more to lose than others. The crisis acts like a burning glass, through which we injustices still see more clearly,“ said Piel, who is in the DGB Executive Board member for social policy. 12 E-Bikes in the Test: Only four are good, with two of the battery went up in flames on FOCUS Online/Wochit 12 E-Bikes in the Test: Only four are good, with two of the battery went up in flames on

As commented on the User of the FOCUS Online article

  • “What did you expect? As long as the Lockdown continues, the easier it will be to cut the salaries. Wake up to the. No one else will fight for you! You gotta do it yourself!”
  • “What was the Lord’s economy is contributing for the productivity of the country? A couple of Interviews, a lot of Thinking, produce a bit of paper for the political caste, all of which brings about zero for the prosperity of Germany. There’s a “good example” of an idea, in the Form of “It can’t go on like lush more” with his fees would be but also time. But no, just a trivial of the other constraints demand it. If this is our highest level of intelligence in the country, it amazes me actually that Germany’s economy is still so good.”
  • “it’s Funny, I would first think of the dividends and the Manager salaries, which have developed already a long time of the development of wages decoupled to dizzying heights! It is not a word!” Hearty oven-potato: So easy the full-fledged main dish to be a success PCP Hearty oven-potato: So easy the full-fledged main dish

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