“There is talk about a problem”.

How does it sound from the director of culture, environment and occupation, Stig Werner Isaksen, to the Jutland west Coast.

the Statement comes in the wake of an incident where the Aabenraa Municipality have come to repair a private bridge, as they have been incorrectly registered in their system

After the error is passed up to the municipality, they have, however, indicated that they even hang on the bill’.

It is the brothers Egon and Gerhart Rasmussen, who on a daily basis are farming together on the border Kolaybet between Aabenraa and Tønder municipality, which has been the delight of the new skattebetalte bridge to 700.000 kr.

the Brothers ‘ uncle and since them even have in 10 years owned the small bridge that goes over the Gammelå.

Egon and Gerhart Rasmussen did not objections, because the municipality started to tear the bridge down and subsequently build a new ones in the same place. It was nice to get a new bridge, as the brothers themselves put it.

Bommerten in the Aabenraa Municipality have come forward quite soon after that, the Way the Municipality has been involved in a similar case.

Here was also a farmer, who out of the blue got a bridge renewed. This bridge cost 400.000 dollars.