The Federal Institute for drugs and medical devices (BfArM) has approved the active ingredient ABX464 to the test with Covid-19-patients. This is the breakthrough?

The Federal Institute for drugs and medical devices (BfArM) in Bonn has approved the active ingredient ABX464 to clinical examination with Covid-19-patients*. A authorities spokesman confirmed on Monday. The potential drug is tested by the French biotech company, Abivax SA. The BfArM currently has according to own information 22 clinical trials in the context of Covid-19 approved .

Early treatment of certain Covid-19-patients

By Abivax, it is a placebo-controlled study for the early treatment of 1034 elderly Covid-19-patients or high risk . Of which 200 should be in Germany, recruited, informed the BfArM. The study aims to explore whether ABX464 can bind the duplication of the Virus in these patients. Above all, it is to look but a question of whether the drug can prevent the often observed Overreaction of the immune system, which then leads to dangerous shortness of breath.

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For the study the need, therefore, patients , where it is still relatively good, because otherwise, this evidence could not provide, said the German study leader Christoph Boesecke of the University hospital of Bonn, the German press Agency. Each Patient will be treated for four weeks and in that time, a tablet of the day. Although the testing at the Corona/Coivid-19 would currently faster waved through, it’ll probably take until next year before the results were available, said Boesecke.

ABX464 come originally from the HIV field , explained the physician. It is there, but also still in the study phase. Also as a means for the treatment of the bowel disease is ulcerative colitis it has been tested already, but not yet approved.

for the First time tested the Corona shows a human vaccine small successes

Chinese researchers have for the first time worldwide with a possible Corona vaccine, a reaction of the immune system in humans caused. A setback occurred, however, for the antimalarials chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine. A large analysis of data from Corona-patients showed no success .

in China tested vaccine Ad5-nCoV have been in a pilot phase, as a safe and well-tolerated out, the researchers write in the Journal “The Lancet” on Friday. But above all, he had generated an immune response to the Virus Sars-CoV-2 in the human body. Further Experiments are necessary to determine whether this reaction prevents also infection with the Virus.

“These results represent an important milestone,” said lead author Wei Chen from the Beijing Institute of Biotechnology. A single dose of Ad5-nCoV from rich, therefore, is to produce in 14 days, the subjects are virus-specific, neutralizing antibodies, and a corresponding reaction of specific immune cells (T-cells). He advised to interpret the results nevertheless, “be careful”. A vaccine is accessible to all, is still far away. Ad5-nCoV was administered to 108 healthy volunteers in the Chinese city of Wuhan. Currently-according to the Lancet more than 100 possible Corona vaccines in the world of development.

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A comprehensive data analysis by researchers from the USA and Switzerland, the Malaria drugs chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine are likely to be used for the treatment of Covid-19. On the contrary, the active ingredients increase may rate the death and lead to more heart rhythm disorders, the researchers report in the Journal “The Lancet”. They had evaluated the data of over 96 000 patients from hundreds of hospitals, of which almost 15 000 of the funds alone or in combination with an antibiotic had get. The authors to Mandeep Mehra from the Harvard Medical School advocate that the medium only in the context of clinical trials, and to test carefully. To similar results previously in smaller studies to come.

virologists from Ulm have the new Coronavirus, for the first time in the mother’s milk of a Covid-19 diseased woman detected . Your infant has contracted the Virus, informed the Team of Jan Münch and Rüdiger Groß of the University of Ulm. It is still unknown whether the virus in the milk are also infectious and by breast-feeding the baby could be, stress the researchers. They published the study in the Journal “The Lancet”.

The virologists had the breast milk of two women on the genome of the new Coronavirus examined , the shared after the birth in the hospital together with your newborn a room. As a women’s disease symptoms developed, she was isolated with her newborn and both of them were tested positive for Sars-CoV-2. The Roommate noticed later symptoms and was then – as well as your child also tested positive.

In the mother’s milk-samples the first of the diseased woman, the scientists found no evidence that the new Coronavirus. The result, in the samples of the second mother, however, was four Times positive. After 14 days, no Virus was found in breastmilk, and the mother and her child recovered from Covid-19.

The world health organization (WHO) had previously reported no evidence of the new Coronavirus in breast milk. “There is no reason to avoid Breastfeeding or to stop “, – stated in the recommendations on the website of the organization.

Doctors of the Augsburg University in the post-mortem examination of the deceased Corona-patients consistently “ unusually severe, in part presumably irreversible ” in the event of damage in the lung tissue. You are obviously not in the respiration, but most likely directly by the Virus emerged, informed the University hospital on Friday. The medical team to see the change as a cause of death. The results of their first ten post-mortem and describes it in the “Journal of the American Medical Association”. “All of the patients had serious underlying diseases, but did not lead directly to death,” said Professor Bruno Märkl, Director of pathology at the University hospital. In the remaining organs, no eyes were detected addresses serious changes.

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