
  • What is allowed – father’s day in Bavaria: group tours this year are taboo

for weeks, folding chairs and benches are in the host and beer gardens empty remained. Thus, since Monday (18. May) – Circuit. Also, more and more students return to the classrooms. What is currently in Bavaria. An Overview:

contact provisions in Bavaria have been loosened

It may meet both in the private as in the public space, several members of the two households.

Restaurants and Hotels during the Corona-crisis in Bavaria:

open the can again?

outdoor areas of Restaurants are allowed since the 18th century. May re-open beer gardens, commercial gardens or free bar space. However, it must already be at 20: 00 locked. Indoor areas must not from the 25. May re-open. For the drinks-focused Local Bars, there is still no perspective. Hotels and apartments may 30. May re-open.

  • beach wagon tour, Hiking, gastronomy – tours on father’s day: What in the States is allowed and what is not

you are Sitting alone, and with the Mouth guard on the table?

no, at the table of the otherwise prescribed Mouth guard can be stored. In addition, according to the industry Association Dehoga people from two stands together to be seated. Otherwise, the minimum distance of 1.50 metres shall apply. The service personnel must wear Mouth guards, in the kitchen, this is required only if the minimum distance cannot be adhered to.

you Can? back into the economy

to make A reservation according to the Dehoga is useful, but not required. In addition, incoming guests will be placed by the staff, and your identity and telephone numbers included. The latter is intended to ensure that, in the case of the case of chains of Infection can be understood.

Is there enough space?

This will just depend on the external surfaces from the weather, such as Dehoga-country Director Thomas Geppert explained. Also in the guest rooms, due to the Minimum distance be less space. At least in the case of freely dispensing areas, some municipalities have indicated Contrary Geppert suggested that if owners want to expand.

Are saved of Restaurants and pubs in order?

“If the farms go back to the Start, is not the end of the struggle for Survival,” says Geppert. “Because then the costs need to be evaluated arise again.”

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Corona in Bavaria: Current Situation in schools

Who is allowed to return from Monday in the class room?

last Monday (18. May) it was also for the lower classes. The mean for the first graders, the fifth classes of the secondary schools and the fifth and sixth classes in secondary schools. On the economy, the seventh or even the sixth grade are allowed to schools, depending on the type, the eighth,. This is the third stage of the re-recording of the classroom lessons. Since the end of April, the graduating classes are back, and you, the students, the next year, and the fourth classes followed.

What about the other students?

For you begins in the classroom until after the Whitsun holidays in the middle of June. For the middle-classes of the basic schools there should be, according to the Ministry of culture, but, depending on the possibility of on – the – spot-a voluntary educational support service.

the classes will be as usual again?

The lesson plans are streamlined and generally reduced to the core subjects. Often subjects such as Sport, music or art from fall. The lesson should take place in shared learning groups, which alternate weekly or daily. In the weeks without a face to face teaching, the students are supposed to learn from home.

  • please read: holiday-emergency care in schools on the day of Pentecost, now the teacher storm

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demonstrations during the Corona-pandemic :

Bayern goes with demonstrations during the Corona pandemic?

About demonstrations should be decided in Bavaria, in the specific case. Places of Assembly must provide enough space for the minimum distance.

This only applies to outdoor pools and leisure Park in Bavaria:

outdoor swimming pools must remain closed, leisure parks-may 30. May open.

holidays and borders in Bavaria:

The desire to travel of the citizens of the Federal Republic gradually comes back: After the easing of travel restrictions in the Corona-crisis, and growing hope on a summer vacation in Europe, organizers report increasing bookings. “In the last two to three weeks, we have seen a continuous increase in demand,” reports, for example, Ralph Schiller, CEO of the FTI Group. Especially great is the interest in traveling between the island of Rügen and Garmisch-Partenkirchen is up to date. But also the demand for international business attracts.

what are the rules to the borders of Bavaria?

Czech: There is no fixed timetable for the revival of the tourism business. Prime Minister Andrej Babis wants to open the closed border first, for travelers from Austria and Slovakia, expected to be in mid-June. German have to wait a bit. In Bavaria, the Corona location is “not ideal,” said Babis, in an Interview. In 2019, more than two million German Overnight visitors were counted. They represented the largest group among the foreign tourists. The historical centre of Prague, normally a Magnet for people from all over the world, is currently almost empty of people. In some of the Hostels and Hotels of the Moldova-metropolis homeless people find Permanent, temporary. When the borders re-open, meet travellers on a country that has remained from the Coronavirus largely spared.

Austria: In the Alpine Republic, the relief is great. Many holidaymakers had booked their summer stay in the Land of mountains and lakes before the Corona-crisis. There are many indications that they are now allowed to arrive starting in mid-June. Hotels and accommodation in Austria from may 29. May re-open. There are only little restrictions apply.

officially until the middle of June, existing controls at the border to Austria, also since last weekend (16./17. May), only a sample of performed. Seehofer had said in the past few days, however, that a withdrawal of loosening at the borders should not be ruled out, should increase the Corona infections strong.

In the PCP In the

Bavaria limit for Corona-hotspot to 35 new infections

The free state of Bavaria lowers tightened to its limit in the early warning system for Corona infections. The Cabinet on Tuesday (19. May) in Munich, the limit on the 35 infections per 100,000 population within the next seven days in a city or a County is reduced, as state law office chief Florian Herrmann (CSU) said. The early warning system was a “proven means” to recognize local outbreak to happen quickly. The Federal government and the Länder agreed on a limit of 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants.

“The Virus is not defeated, so there will be these local outbreaks again and again,” said Herrmann. Early detection of Hotspots in the current Phase of the pandemic is very important.

will The events would develop after the outbreak in different levels of a Plan, such as the clip-on could be minimized. The Tracking of contact persons, where applicable, the quarantine of certain facilities or the relocation of people from closed institutions to the closure of shops or in the worst case, also the General contact or output restrictions belong. Honey chicken: lightning recipe for a brilliant main course from only five ingredients PCP honey chicken: lightning recipe for a brilliant main course from only five ingredients
