, The number of visitors to the Region has reached on Friday a new dimension. A normal daily routine for the Locals is due to the high volume of traffic is hardly possible.

At long weekend after corpus Christi the South of the district of Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen has been rolled over once more of the holiday masses. Especially around Kochel – and Walchensee to went wild – “this is something I’ve never experienced,” says Kochels mayor. He sees the “body and life is in danger”. Even the riot police stood in the jam .

Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen – It’s actually even worse: The sheet metal avalanche, which rolled on Friday in the Kochel – and walchensee lakes region and back again, was, according to some, everything that has gone Before in the shade. “This is something I have never experienced,” said Kochels mayor Thomas wood (CSU) with a view to the influx of visitors and the resultant traffic chaos. “All the dams are broken.”

What began around Bad Tölz , was in the direction of Kochel – and Walchensee not better. From morning until the early afternoon, the traffic also was backed up in about Kochel am see – coming from the North from the commercial area of Pessenbach, coming from the West again, up through Schlehdorf.

This congestion, tried numerous drivers, using field paths and side streets to bypass residential areas. The police can prevent this behavior, according to the wood but at least partially. “Since neither children nor elderly residents expected with through traffic, it was sometimes really dangerous.”

Corona, and a long weekend in and around Kochel: “Every rag blocked”

The Parking designed of the onslaught, according to messy. “Every free rag blocked, regardless of losses,” said wood. The Ötzgasse in the District of the place had been, for example, where close to a Hiking trail starts on the Raven’s head, completely supplied. Residents were pots, trash cans and flowers to the outside, so that at least the roads remained to their houses free. According to wood’s conception many take a ticket in the purchase: “If one is already so long in a traffic jam, then the few euros are damn well already.”

+ at a distance is impossible: On the banks of the Walchsee lake, numerous recreation cavorted on Friday at the end.©Water rescue

The Walchensee was the rush also “brutal,” said Alois green forest of the water rescue. “The vehicles were at all corners and Ends, and crowds of people were on the road.” To do a lot of it was not for the water rescue fortunately, nevertheless. Such as wood-also green forest stresses that day-trippers are welcome. It could not but be that the leisure-seekers in a legal vacuum mentioned and parked where you want. “Everyone should keep to the rules,” say wood and green forest in unison.

holidaymakers rush: riot police helps tölz and Kochel colleagues – and is in a traffic jam

Only in the Jachenau the great Chaos was. Thanks to the Vice-mayor Josef Danner but alone the fact that Austria and the Valley are open again. “As a result, the cars drop off determined in 2000,” says Danner. But even without it, the valley of the sun was Danner found to be very full: The temporary Parking in spawning was filled with 300 cars again completely. The Meadow provides as reported by the farmer, at least for this summer.

+ ©ie

The tölz and Kochel police got back Friday support by the riot police. “The state-but only once in a traffic jam,” says Andreas Rohrhofer, Deputy police chief of Bad Tölz. Its officials were on Friday in the Kochel – and walchensee region, languages Rohrhofer, according to also of unprecedented dimensions. Not to said it from the point of view of the police but. For Rohrhofer counted on Friday evening of 88 Parking violations in the Kochel – and walchensee area, as well as the Jachenau and Lenggries.

in the face of facts like these, for wood: “Our capacity limits are exceeded. We are on the verge of collapse .“ One can only speak of luck that nothing major had happened. In the case of emergency, the rescue forces would be due to the course parked in emergency routes hardly come by. “Here is a body and a life is clearly in danger.”

Kochel in the holidaymakers-Chaos – mayor wood: “Will act decisively”

the Situation was except for the local residents unbearable, a normal daily routine is not possible. “Who wanted to go shopping on Friday in Kochel, was a losing battle.” The season had not even begun. “If it goes on like this, we will suffocate in the summer in traffic,” said wood, and promised: “As the public Appeals have unfortunately not provided the desired success, we will not longer stand by and watch, but act decisively.” What are the actions it exactly means, is not revealed to the politicians. He wanted to discuss with the competent bodies.

Similar last experienced other tourist attractive places such as the village of Eschenlohe at the foot of the Alps.

see also:

traffic gridlock on the Walchensee prevent: signs, controls, and more Parking to help

Corona-madness at the Walchensee: the photo of the train station Kochel shows the brutal consequences of the onslaught