The basque Government and the Asset Management Company from Bank Restructuring (Sareb) have been signed for the purchase of nine floors for 742.000 euros to integrate them in Alokabide, the agency autonomous social rental properties. It is a small operation in volume but very significant, as the Basque Country becomes with her in the first autonomous community to purchase housing to the so-called bad bank.

The nine houses were already assigned to Alokabide through an agreement signed in 2017, but now will be owned by the autonomous community, explain the buying party and the seller. The acquisition is part of a megacompra of housing on the part of the autonomous community. As has informed your Department of Housing, the operation reaches 506 floors and represents an investment of 50.1 million euros. Sources from the department, explained that the surplus recorded in the accounts of the autonomous community, the higher revenues received from the Treasury and the fund Financial Investment is Sustainable, “that does not compute as debt”, have allowed the disbursement.

Many of the resources will remain in any case in the body autonomous as the majority of the dwellings, some still in the construction phase, belonging to Visesa:. This society is the public advocate to build protected housing in the Basque Country. As happens in the rest of Spain, traditionally those floors were sold to private individuals, but the reorientation of the housing policy states that the protection is applied to the rental. For this reason, the basque Government has decided to acquire the flats and bring them into his park for lease, which reached the 7.811 floors.

To Sareb opens a new avenue for the sale of assets. Known as the bad bank, in which is concentrated the greater part of the brick toxic that had the bench from the real estate bubble, has signed agreements with nine autonomous communities to cede floors and that the rent. But none until now had taken the step of purchasing such real estate, an option desired by the managers of the society: “We are talking to several communities”, said sources from Sareb.

Trading with advanced Galicia

the Basque Country is the community where, in business terms, the less interesting it was the operation to Sareb. Due to the limited assets of the bad bank in the basque territory, was only transferred to the regional Government 10 floors. Nine are sold now and on the remainder is being negotiated.

it Is a volume low if compared with the 400-story of the bad bank that manages a lease of Andalusia, the 930 that has transferred to Catalonia or even the 50 of Galicia. With this last community, the conversations are very advanced and could be signed for a sale to the Government “within weeks”, indicate sources of Sareb without more precise details on the volume or amount of that operation. Other communities that also rented floors of Sareb are Balearic islands, Canary islands, Cantabria, Castilla y León and Extremadura. Among the Municipalities, the Madrid has 300 floors, and the Barcelona with 200.