Bad news for all of the water Park-friends in the Tegernsee valley. The device remains until the end of the summer holidays.

Bad Wiessee – The municipality said on Thursday evening: “After yesterday’s decision, in close consultation with the management, the water Park until at least 7. September closed.“ The statement reads: “The municipality of Bad Wiessee as a local employer has of its employees have a special responsibility. This is guaranteed from our point of view, only sufficient if it cannot be excluded that there is a risk of infection. A municipal indoor swimming pool is a facility with closed rooms and a warm and humid indoor climate. Each compartment of the opinion, therefore, a work situation, the best conditions for a viral spread of offers.“

commune fears, that hardly any guests

The municipality assumes “that potential visitors of the bathing facilities is not, or only to a low extent will this fact cause to visit a public indoor swimming pools either. Hall baths can only go in whole or in operation. When you open, then that is only possible with full use of the resources of personnel, energy and water. This means that you have to wear from Opening the full cost. However, as the number of visitors by regulation are limited and it is to be expected only a few guests, the bathroom would visit, had a high loss of revenue.“

bath meadow lake mayor Boldly: losses in the water Park would be the item well

The community have a responsibility to the tax resources you used. “Would be made at the present time an Opening, would the financial losses of the municipal Spa parks on the year is expected to approximately double from one Million euros to two million. Losses in this amount may be expected, in our view, the taxpayer not allocated.“ The communication of the mayor, Robert Kühn (SPD) is signed.

Others are less restrained. Click here to read: the Tegernsee lake: a lakeside sauna and beach starting in July. And in the case of a popular object, it also looks better. New Council sets a strong character “per game arena”