Who wanted to come in the absence of infection by the Coronavirus pandemic, the crisis has meant one thing: resignation. After all, in the strictest Phase of the lock downs, there were no visits to the cinema, to the Restaurant, a concert or the pub around the corner. The weekends were spent at home on the Couch. And some may have been surprised that a bit of resignation fell not so heavy as might have thought.

This insight may prove to be extremely valuable. Because, even with a small waiver may make the Vermögensbau the difference – if the money saved goes into a savings plan. It is amazing, as is the case with a regular Deposit even small amounts over the years, grow to handsome sums.

Such austerity plans offers today, as well as any Broker. Money is, in regular intervals, for example, in an ETF – an exchange-traded index Fund invests. These shares are then simply collects and held. In the meantime, obtained profit will be reinvested distributions purely in accumulating ETF is automatically the case. The ETF savings plan comparison of FOCUS Online (display) you will Find the right ETF savings plan, in comparison

you waiver

can bring in A simple example, how in this way, the assets increasingly: let’s assume that someone omitted, such as during the Corona-crisis on the weekly visit to a restaurant for 30 euros and invested the money instead in a savings plan. With 52 weeks in a year, that’s 1560 Euro.

assuming an annual return of realistic seven per cent in the year to be a saver after ten years, comes on 21.553 Euro (in the case of the first interest rate after one year and post-liquid Deposit). Of 15.600 Euro are saved, the rest of the around 6,000 euros only by interest and compound interest. This effect is amplified the longer the system is in a period of time. In 20 years, there are almost 64,000 euros, of which around 32.750 Euro alone as interest income.

At 30 years of abandonment, in turn, the savers would have already built up a considerable wealth of 147.400 euros, of which around 100,000 over two thirds solely by the interest have accumulated. And all this when per week to pleasures, to the value of 30 Euro has been omitted.

Who decided not to iron, it creates up-to-riches

A similar example, which has seen the comparison portal Verivox recently, it is the waiver of the cigarette. Also saves a lot of money which is invested profitably could be.

Verivox attributed to a range of ETF Savings plans on the world stock market index, the MSCI World and an annual yield of 7.2 percent. The savings rate is a result of the cost of a box per day of 6,70 euros. In addition, Verivox, taking into account the case of tobacco, the usual Inflation of 2.9 percent, the saving rate increases annually.

the result of the model: After ten years, have already accumulated 39.100 euros. After 30 years of giving up Smoking has led to a wealth of 319,000 euros. The investor sells after this period, his shares remain after taxes still roughly 281,000 euros.

Webinar with Marc Friedrich: How do you now protect your wealth

Growing mountains of debt, Inflation, expensive Euro rescue: The Corona-crisis is changing the world. What do savers and investors to protect their money? Learn from best-selling author Marc Friedrich on 18. June, at 19.30 in a Webinar of FOCUS Online and Finanzen100. Here is your Ticket!


in fact, it could create a smoker to the calculations of Verivox is that even up to the millionaire, if you do not iron on the Fags. After 50 years, have collected 1.5 million euros. After taxes, approximately 1.28 million Euro remain still.

So strong reindeer MSCI World Dax

of Course, this income is not guaranteed. A high, realistic Chance, but there are. MSCI has for the Index, an annualized return of 7.69 percent since 1987. For the Dax, the return triangle of the Deutsche aktieninstitut (DAI) provides evidence on the long-term Performance.

So it goes: From an investment period of 15 years the investors have obtained, historically, is always a positive annual return. From the Investment periods of 25 years, it’s worth it then do it right. Here, the worst annual yield is still 5.4 percent. In the best case, investors have even 12 percent per annum.

A long-term return (before taxes) of about seven percent per year, is by no means utopian. On this basis, depositors can calculate individually with the so-called savings Bank formula, how profitable a waiver to one or the other can be.

Even after the crisis, the discipline

Self, who is only dispensed on a visit to the disco in the month and 50 Euro for the money plant free, benefits properly. Here is a fortune of around 8300 euros in otherwise the same circumstances, after a decade, with a total of 2300 euros as interest income. At 20 years is less than 24,600 members, in 30 years, there are even 56.700 Euro, of which the vast majority of 38,700 Euro interest income.

Important: In all of these examples, the withholding tax is to be paid at the end of still, if the ETF shares are then sold to use the money, for example, for retirement. From the amounts of around 26.4 per cent (withholding tax and solidarity) and therefore still.

Nevertheless, the examples show that even a small waiver over the years through the power of compound Interest can lead to a considerable fortune. He who heeds the experience of the Corona-crisis and the freed-up capital creates, it may, depending on the waiver and investment period, even up to the millionaire to create. Of course, The saving discipline, which is imposed by the crisis to us practically, must not be thrown of course, just after the pandemic is over.

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“Would you calculate the Dax seasonal, he would stand at 35,000 points” FOCUS Online “Would be to calculate the Dax seasonal, he would stand at 35,000 points”